

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Anger's Core: Pecking Orders and Enemies

I've been meaning to write for a while on the mental fuel of the Gaslighter. If the Gaslighter was like a car, going  to a goal, that goal would be self-serving and greed as any outcome or destination. If there was a fuel, it is anger. Gaslighters are devoid of other emotions, though they may "act like they're having ""one"". They may feign interest, caring, or sorry, but only when it serves the greed need.

Gaslighters see themselves as the "top of the food chain animals", that others like you and I are lesser on that list. This is an ego view of themselves as many Gaslighters in life are failures of living a full life, estranged from all, and even many successful. Those who has reached the top, history has proven, are to be unseated or killed by opposing parties or greedy relatives.

Donald Trump and Koch Brothers, tiger and bear fight

Anger is a driving force, a fuel. It keeps the Gaslighter competitive. Enemies are attacked relentlessly, and the innocent are attacked relentlessly. Those who aided the Gaslighter are to be used and tossed in so many ways, including "being thrown under the bus".

Why do Gaslighters ever get together with other Gaslighters?  They meet not to be true friends, but to establish a power ranking: one is to float to the power top, and the other is to be a thug that has some outward admiration for the Top Dog. Actually, though, the lesser is just biding time because the only place to be is at the Top. Any admiration is timed placation until the lesser can find some advantage to take over Place 1.

Here is one example of this, from yesterday's news.

Trump calls Koch brothers joke globalists in tweet


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