Have a favorite screen shot of a fake Facebook profile? Send it to our Facebook account, link on side.
They are creating fake accounts to:
get your money through cons like the Nigerian Love Scam
get your Likes and more boosting power to their profile so they can complete some other scam (like the Political fakes of 2016 where information is boosted to sway a vote/purchase/unrest/political smear campaign
get your Likes and more boosting power to their profile so that their profile is eventually sold to another party: for instance, a profile can be built then sold on the Dark Web to any rapper worldwide who is seeking to boost their business
And, of course, there are other uses of fake profiles:
bullies may enjoy the mind game and abuse
pedophiles or other criminals may be seeking victims
home break and entry thieves may find out when you're on vacation and if you have security cams, valuables, and more info
They can look legit, important, real, or sexy......a gaslighter is adaptable, and the person with many disguises and "online makeup skill" of any brilliant actor.
Some that look like prostitutes are prostitutes. But, some are just scammers in other countries seeking $ through conning you. This is a historical throwback to their use of fake photos and info on internet personals scammers, not updated to Facebook.
How do I spot a fake Facebook profile?
see this article with the instructional pix at:
(thank you Spamfighter)
There are definately a lot of fake Facebook profiles out there. Numbers released from Facebook themself suggests that 83 million facebook accounts are fake – that’s more than the total number of people living in France and the Netherlands combined! An estimated 5-6% of all Facebook accounts are fake. Fake autogenerated profiles offer the creators of those the possibility of spamming your wall with weird content and also bloat the number of fans for certain pages.
There are some studies of fake Facebook profiles that indicate that fake profiles have a higher average number of friends and most often identify themselves as females. For identifying whether a specific profile is fake these studies however only offer vague clues.
So how to spot a fake Facebook profile?
Looking at a company Facebook page the other day I noticed an unnatural high number of fans for that type of company but strangely very low fan activity on the same Facebook page. Very few likes and no comments made it a bit of a strange case. I did find a few Likes though and decided to have a closer look at those profiles. I came up with the following little trick which also will introduce you to a great and not that well-known feature of Google. Here goes:
1. Locate the Profile image of the Facebook profile you want to check. For this little test let’s use the SPAMfighter Aim logo present on the SPAMfighter Facebook page.
2. Right-click on the image and save it somewhere where you easily can find it again! The Windows desktop would be a great place!
3. Now enter Google Image Search. Google Image Search is a great tool where you can search for images based on other images. I would suggest using Google Chrome or Firefox as Browser here. For some reason it does not seem to work for Internet Explorer 9.
4. Drag the recently saved file from your desktop til the search field. It is a little nifty but you will probably work it out!
Google image search
5. Now Google Image Search will check where the image is present on Facebook profiles and a lot of other places on the Internet.
If we for a moment return to my original fake profile my search using the above method actually produced a lot of Facebook profiles having the same profile image. See below. My best guess is that most of those Facebook profiles are fake!
Remember to delete any profile images you download from Facebook by the way. Pretty sure Facebook or Facebook users don’t want their profile images laying around on your computer!
Are anyone stealing your Facebook profile image?
A nice little test would of cource be to test whether any fake Facebook profiles use your profile image? Using the test above it is pretty easy to reveal. So locate your own Facebook page, save the profile image you use and do the Google image search. If you notice your profile image prese .......see link above for more.
Several books on love scammers and other online gaslighters at Amazon.com
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