

Thursday, June 6, 2019

I am a person of Constant Sorrow: Mini Psycopaths 1

What is your story? If you're reading this and you've been gaslighted, marginalized, or bullied, it's likely you have an invited side-kick companion on life: sorrow.

It may not be that you feel melancholy most of the time. Perhaps it shows up only when you're tired, hungry, or have some triggering events. 

1. do you know your sorrow?
2. when does it show up?
3. how do your deal with it?
4. do you have a philosophy for sorrow

I am a person of Constant Sorrows


What does it take to get a “philosophy” to understand sorrow?

Check back for Future stories
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 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


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