

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Hey, I'm a part of that group and try to monitor it through my day:

the privilege of White Males

I try to monitor this because it occurs many times a day:
I'll get noticed and get speedier service at the counter at McD's
At the gym, I'll be dealt with more respectfully, where a Hispanic friend is ignored and socially "invisible"
A police officer sees me speeding, but will stop a woman or minority to ticket

This is not good, because if one person is given Privilege, 10 more are:
not even seen (socially invisible)
given a harder time
not given the help they deserve
may be charged more for items, or not allowed to return an item to Walmart when they had no receipt, but I also returned and item and had no receipt
the Albertsons clerk puts my peaches in a separate bag, but not so for the Hispanic behind me
I am greeted at the Bank, and told to have a nice day by the assistant manager, while women are not

This occurs a lot, though as I age, I am becoming part of that invisible Seniors crowd. Sometimes that amazes me when it happens.

There are lots of forms of Privilege:

  • Western White Male Privilege
  • Wealthy Couples Privilege
  • Beauty Privilege
  • Dominant religion in non-White nations
  • etc.

Privilege is a function of human biases, for which there are endless types, far from you and right next door to you!

For the psychopaths, the list of Lessers is quite defined.

Research shows also:
Flamboyant arm movements when talking increases privilege

How do you work to be aware of this, counter it, and protect the place of others?

In general, Male Privilege is culturally accepted, in all it's abuses and forms. Here is one video on that Male Sexual Privilege: taking of sex, rape, and femicide of women. We've addressed the culture of rape here and other sites linked on this is around all of us daily, not just India where mass rapes occur.

Obama: too little to late: but we better Triage the Bloody Body

A public acknowlesdgement of the gaslighter is always, without a doubt too little, too late.

That's the nature of a

  • gaslighter
  • Ebola and other super viruses
  • environmental damage next door to all of us
  • erosion of human values and human rights
  • preventative disease and health care
  • leadership in a world: promoting democracy, inclusion, respect
  • rodents in the grain pile
  • global warming, ignored in our oceans
  • extinction of species (15 birds listed as recently extinct in the US just last week)
  • and so much more!

Alejandro separated from mother, age 13, from Guatemala

What does it take to change this perpetual being caught off guard?

This website provides those answers on how to get "speedy awareness" of Gaslighters, with many methods, including some super counter weapons inclcuding "propaganda confrontation". 

a article worth viewing:

If you've ever known a 13-year old, you need to read this article:

Other gaslighter stories:

Obama speaks against Trump: but it's always too little too late. He's not validated for what he's saying because of the lateness. Still, it shows two things:

a. he's changed his view: in this special circumstance, one must speak. The idea of Michelle that "we'll take the high road when they take the low road" is childish and simplistic when facing psychopaths.

b. he does have a concrete view and voice of psychopathy

c. he held a view that only the next generation can save us: now he says we have to save ourselves now or there's no next generation!

Obama: too little to late: but we better Triage the Bloody Body

Obama finally speaks against Donald Trump: a hero too little too late
Obama finally speaks against Donald Trump: a hero too little too late

13 year old boy Alejandro separated mother: Trump lack of compassion is characteristic of psychopathy

The lasting effects of family separations, as seen through the eyes of a 13-year-old

Updated 5:30 AM ET, Sat September 8, 2018
(CNN)Alejandro and his mom journeyed for days without eating, stuck in a putrid bus with 65 strangers stuffed "all on top of each other."
Then they reached the US, where they say their nightmare really began.

"We just thought that they would empathize with us and that it would be different. But it didn't go that way," 13-year-old Alejandro said. "We had to suffer. I was inside a shelter for two months, and my mom was in prison for two months."

see this powerful article and many photos of Alejandro at:

The White House is not nicknamed Crazy Town:

Egypt court to hang many, dissidents, following 15 recent hangings of gays in Egypt
Egypt court to hang many, dissidents, following 15 recent hangings of gays in Egypt

Then, Trump's cronyism:

While on the other hand, the US funds Egypt aid and arms sales, while not confronting human rights and psychopath friend of Trump, President El-Sisi
While on the other hand, the US funds Egypt aid and arms sales, while not confronting human rights and psychopath friend of Trump, President El-Sisi

Would these policies ever impact you? If not directly, how about your children or relatives?

Trump cuts preventative medicine not just in Palestine, but US also! Motto of the psychopath: "die you"
Trump cuts preventative medicine not just in Palestine, but US also! Motto of the psychopath: "die you"

What image of compassion is missing as people are left to die, and even this very day, a major Air Strike is under way in Northern Syria by Syrian and Russian forces (where the US, under Trump pandering to Putin), has dropped involvement including the confrontation of the hundreds of murders committed today along with the silencing of opposition views!

Palestine: how did Trump change Palestine to a dying idea in just a few months? And, how are Palestinians dying literally from this?

What and where does he have to gain from this?

No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.
No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.

cut: emergency food, emergency medical, emergency school aid for displaced children to prevent generations of problems: No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.
cut: emergency food, emergency medical, emergency school aid for displaced children to prevent generations of problems: No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.  

Thursday, September 6, 2018

You're the Lilliputian, Jack Black and Trump are the Gullivers

My dad recently asked me: "Why can such a large percentage of us believe the lies of the politicians, cons, and your local car dealers / sales?"

I have answers for that. Most are on this website and that of Psychological Pirates:

Political Pirates and Psychopaths

But, the answers seem so minuscule in comparison to the Giant. We're like the Lilliputians trying to strap down a Gulliver that landed on our shores. And, those tiny ropes and wooden stakes holding them into the sand are so weak that they are really a fake restraint.

Like Gulliver's travels, then, here are some questions for you to ponder, answer.

Our overall issue is: how can a con develop a monstrous view of themselves, using the power of Mythic Self Development?

The Gaslighter begins with Image 1, and through Mythic Image development moves themselves and how others view them to Image 2, 3, and 4:

Image 1:

donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

Through Mythic Image Development moves the public's view of themselves to:
images 2, 3, 4,

2. donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

3. donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

4. donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

Articles on: Developing a mythic image of a nobody, buffoon, or psychopath!

1. Why is Gulliver in remakes a buffoon character to have that gigantic images, as opposed to any other type? Hint: these are not the Gulliver types:

a non-white
a great statesman or world leader
a great world explorer
a historian
a woman

jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

3. jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

4. jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

 You're the Lilliputian, Jack Black and Trump are the Gullivers

5. jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

6. jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

2. How is the real image or character of the person countered by a mythical gigantic powerful image of themselves?

3. How is this promoted by propaganda by the false giant?

4. How are the ropes we plan to use a predestined failure?

guns, fear: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

arrival: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

con: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

babies and children illegals: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

propaganda, counter information, con: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

4. How does the political psychopath or your next door gaslighter use counter-propaganda and disinformation to stop a real view of their character, goals, and intent of theft / greed?

greed: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

throwing sessions under the bus: fear, intimidation: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

psychopath: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

king donald: jack black and donald trump king dictator napolean and gulliver's travels

drag queen donald trump

king donald trump

5. Despite public view or demand, how does the Psychopath or Gaslighter pursue his own self-serving agenda?
time magazine cover: trump putin

6. Gaslighters are always in the process of using "meat" or "discardable materials", which is you or other humans. They don't have a brain and personality function of compassion that others are humans. Of the psychopaths that you know:

Who are they throwing "under the bus" now, or using in a chess game of their life?

tip: this is always being played on many fronts at the same time by the Pirate

books on this process:

13 Books, booklets, and Kindle: methods of American Pirates you know today!

trump throws sessions under the bus

trump time cover, monster

time cover: trump clown in chief

donald trump: traitor in the white house, conspiracy,

7. Despite the "fake press" on the Gaslighter, how do they sell themselves as victors "the kind that has never been seen before", saviors, rescuers, super leaders?

8. What other world leaders are Gaslighters in their own right?

hint: a tiger never changes its stripes

FYI: the US on today charges the North Korean in charge of releasing the most damaging computer virus into the US and hacking US  banks, hospitals, and sought to drain Sony Pictures. This is the chief of Korean intelligence.

FYI: Photo images today show North Korean nuclear sites and weapons being build TODAY.

kim jong un north korea, lies on nukes, computer virus


As a part of "mythic image building", how does the gaslighter fill his world with cons about his super human Mythic Image?

Hint: here is one, where the name of a son is correlated with a book.

This image development is part of the Mythic Image, and can include any perception of wives, intelligence, connection, power, ownership, wealth, virility (including penis size), appearing religious / a nice common person, and much more.

ingersoll lockwood adventures of baron trump and donald trump

ingersoll lockwood adventures of baron trump and donald trump

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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