

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Grandiosity and Hate may be signs of pastor / priest psychopaths

Not all pastors and priests are bad. But one needs to be on guard to see the ordinary taking psychopath, to see the clues via grandiosity and disparaging others. Where do these dangerous narcissists find a place or career to hide? Not all are bad, but here they are:

Many dangerous narcissistic types seek jobs where they can do their deeds, be themselves....get strokes, attention, take, get followers......hide that they are "fakes"....

evangelical pastor defends trump border wall: heaven is going to have a wall

How common is this?
  1. Priests and pastors 33% qualify
  2. Car Salesmen Personality Type: cons 40% (this is a "type" of personality: sales without regard to the welfare of the other: taking and sales with hidden fees, prices, that will come back on the buyer. This is not the salesman of a pearl or diamond with an upfront inflated price, but where conning is being done)
  3. Attorneys 60%
  4. higher elected politicians in the US; 60%: though is varies in other countries (Mexico where they tend to get killed and are altruistic 33% are part of the corrupt system, Brazil where corruption in politics reigns 90%).
  5. felons, petty thieves, repeat offenders in prison, gang leaders, drug lords, grifters, sales cons, investment cons, love scam cons 95%
  6. KKK hate supremacists groups 99%
Do these Jobs or "roles" make these criminals. No. They had this personality disordering from childhood and gravitated to these jobs and roles where they could function as psychopaths.

One problem of psychopathic abuses is not just what they steal, but the giant circle of abused left in their a drop into water, ripples

ABC full article on this:

Grandiosity and Hate may be signs of pastor / priest psychopaths

click on this Youtube Video

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The opposite of Transparency: False Pirate Image

Pirates have a secret side and identity. It's often covered up with an image of  shock, power, invulnerability, threat to you, blood and death. A good portrayal of this is in the Skull and Crossbones flag, and the actual use of pyrotechnics by some pirates to create fear in others.

Full archive of articles on Pirates and political pirates worldwide, and your books on Political Pirates:

see the cloud archive at the bottom of that blog for pirate articles, as well as other topics

What thoughts and feelings do these pix of the Skull And Crossbones flag embellishments of today generate for you?

One website featuring one of these was about the "swagger" of the con, pirate, false heroic image. Surely, image, presence, acting and swagger are part of the actor's act of the political pirate.
(see the link above for articles on the Political Pirate and Political Psychopaths as ACTORS ACTING: PUTTING ON THE FACADE.

      see the cloud archive at the bottom of that blog for pirate articles, as well as other topics      What thoughts and feelings do these pix of the Skull And Crossbones flag embellishments of today generate for you?     One website featuring one of these was about the "swagger" of the con, pirate, false heroic image. Surely, image, presence, acting and swagger are part of the actor's act of the political pirate.   (see the link above for articles on the Political Pirate and Political Psychopaths as ACTORS ACTING: PUTTING ON THE FACADE.

2      see the cloud archive at the bottom of that blog for pirate articles, as well as other topics      What thoughts and feelings do these pix of the Skull And Crossbones flag embellishments of today generate for you?     One website featuring one of these was about the "swagger" of the con, pirate, false heroic image. Surely, image, presence, acting and swagger are part of the actor's act of the political pirate.   (see the link above for articles on the Political Pirate and Political Psychopaths as ACTORS ACTING: PUTTING ON THE FACADE.

4      see the cloud archive at the bottom of that blog for pirate articles, as well as other topics      What thoughts and feelings do these pix of the Skull And Crossbones flag embellishments of today generate for you?     One website featuring one of these was about the "swagger" of the con, pirate, false heroic image. Surely, image, presence, acting and swagger are part of the actor's act of the political pirate.   (see the link above for articles on the Political Pirate and Political Psychopaths as ACTORS ACTING: PUTTING ON THE FACADE.

6      see the cloud archive at the bottom of that blog for pirate articles, as well as other topics      What thoughts and feelings do these pix of the Skull And Crossbones flag embellishments of today generate for you?     One website featuring one of these was about the "swagger" of the con, pirate, false heroic image. Surely, image, presence, acting and swagger are part of the actor's act of the political pirate.   (see the link above for articles on the Political Pirate and Political Psychopaths as ACTORS ACTING: PUTTING ON THE FACADE.

Why are criminals heroized?

See the link above for how our brain helps us to be fooled, plus see the conning methods of pirates and psychopaths in books listed above:

Why are criminals heroized?    See the link above for how our brain helps us to be fooled, plus see the conning methods of pirates and psychopaths in books listed above:

We fall for the con, believe the bluster, but also go a step further in their conning:

We all are vulnerable to their acting con, and fooled. That's the way conning works! It's not just a weakness of the immature teen boy, or the vulnerable adult with a weakness:

Synonyms for emulate:

a verb

  • copy the actions of
  • follow suit
  • imitate
  • mimic
  • mirror
  • rise to the con challenge
  • feel energized to compete
  • ditto
  • do
  • follow
  • outvie, run, feels adrenaline to charge ahead 
  • rival, feel like one of the Mafia
  • do like
  • follow in footsteps
  • follow the example of
  • go like
  • make like
  • pattern after
  • revitalize: find a new life in the life of the Pirate and their lifestyle of booze, babes, theft, riches, Islands, etc
  • find a purpose in what they do say, feel a part of the team (mafia, gang of thieves, though the ideals are sold as "good, pure, ideal, Christian, etc.)
  • take after
  • vie with: see them as an example, prod, pull, hero

Pirates are actors, and convey that image that is admired by many because of the acting, swagger, and con.

But, the real intent of the Pirate is hidden by a veil:

This is the opposite of Transparency

The hidden covers up the true nature of the Pirate, the Political Psychopath, and mythic Vampires:

  • imperceptible
  • microscopic
  • unseen
  • inconspicuous
  • unseeable
  • concealed
  • covert
  • deceptive
  • disguised
  • ethereal
  • gaseous
  • ghostly
  • ideal
  • impalpable
  • imponderable
  • inappreciable
  • indiscernible
  • infinitesimal
  • insensible
  • intangible
  • masked
  • not in sight
  • obliterated
  • obscured
  • occult
  • out of sight
  • screened
  • supernatural
  • ulterior
  • unapparent
  • undisclosed
  • ungraspable
  • unnoticeable
  • unobservable
  • unperceivable
  • unreal
  • unviewable
  • vaporous
  • veiled
  • wraithlike

for important documentaries on the true nature of Pirates: 

10 books on Political psychoapths and links to video documentaries on pirates:

plus 12 powerful 1 hour free videos by BBC, National Geographic and others on historical and current pirates: a metaphor for the Political Pirates in office worldwide:

"The very worst pirate is the con and thief next door or or a community or political leader followed without question, a slick in political office: looking patriotic, kind, responsible, and helpful just like any serial killer. With a hidden side like all mass shooters, they fool and con, and are above suspect of all. Therefore, we have to know the characteristics of psychopathy and mythic vampires.

They may take your rights, like Putin, your life like John Wayne Gacy, your Brain like Hannibal Lecter, your goods like all world despots, or your heart and lifeblood like a mythic Vampire or Siren"

10% of the population may have this antisocial conning taking theft personality, so it's important you know about it.*

Dr. B

*How that be 10% of the population? Traits and groups of:

psychopathy, political psychopathy, narcissistic personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder, criminal patterns, cons, petty thieves and most repeat  felons, and drug users or Angry PTSD victims who've lost their sense of compassion for others and take without regard, despots, dictators, many politicians and lawyers, sociopaths, real pirates and those conned into crimes like ISIS,  see percentages and how to identify: books above. 

for important documentaries on the true nature of Pirates:   10 books on Political psychoapths and links to video documentaries on pirates:  plus 12 powerful 1 hour free videos by BBC, National Geographic and others on historical and current pirates: a metaphor for the Political Pirates in office worldwide:

2 for important documentaries on the true nature of Pirates:   10 books on Political psychoapths and links to video documentaries on pirates:  plus 12 powerful 1 hour free videos by BBC, National Geographic and others on historical and current pirates: a metaphor for the Political Pirates in office worldwide:

3 for important documentaries on the true nature of Pirates:   10 books on Political psychoapths and links to video documentaries on pirates:  plus 12 powerful 1 hour free videos by BBC, National Geographic and others on historical and current pirates: a metaphor for the Political Pirates in office worldwide:

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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