

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

When our hidden needs, desires, and vulnerabilities rise: Hansel and Gretel

Recently, I was conned. Well, what is being conned but our own vulnerabilities, flaws in our "psychic" armor, and unrecognized but spilling out unconscious needs and desires.....we are an active participant.

One world news expert said on the Telly that Trump has a critical parent role with most, but that others have that child role: and both are willing participants in the "story" of life....any one can back out, though with many critical parents that are in authority and tend to be psychopathic, there are true dangers for the metaphoric child. At least at first.

What was the con? I was invited in to the home of a person. In moments, I was shown about, given a full house tour, fawned over, praised, given warmth and a home. So I thought. The only sign I had, and ignored was a necklace the person had on of a specific group religious symbol. It could have been any group, I'm not against groups or faith so I don't mention that here. It could be any group, church, or political element worldwide:

It could have been:

  • a religious group
  • a political group
  • a dangerous cult
  • a business cult
  • a psychological cult 
  • a for or against ideology of ANY sort (for or against Green Planet, house plants, DIY, shopping at Costco, having the best wine or olive oil, new cars vs old cars,,,,,,,etc. etc. etc. 

And, it could have been a "pro group", or an anti-group. It could have been any of Ronald Reagan's moralistic groups out to find immoral or communist like people, like his MPAA. It could have been McCarthy recruiting anti-communists to "protect America", or it could have been psychopath Judge Roy Cohn hosting a yacht cocktail party to gain influence for his anti-gay communist movement (though a homophobic homosexual).

It could have been any group for something, but also against an innocent group or idea. It could have been pro or con. It could have been for the True Savior and against the True Evil one, or it could have been for the anti-truth: don't be conned by the establishment, The True Evil One has been misnamed and the "that group's True Savior is actually Satan".

What is the archetype and symbol of the wicked witch in Hansel and Gretel?

Theme: parents want to get rid of  the children due to the burden of : an uninvited journey or mini-life quest is thrust upon the two. Most of life's lessons and quests are not chosen, they're tossed onto us. We find purpose, meaning, and soul often later on for that story. It's confusing and threatening to us. The journey itself always has threats, or else it would not be important, get our attention, or complete it's intended soul lesson.

Two, Hansel and Gretel represent actually one person, and are the two parts within us: masculine and feminine. 

Their parents want to get rid of them due to the burden of feeding them and have more food for themselves: we all must leave our parents, differentiate, and recognize our parents poor values or recognize our parents are becoming in age child-like.

We're drawn in to the candy pastry house: our weaknesses, unconscious desires, and childish wants finally come out.....perhaps we're caught off guard with the depth of our need or the quantity of salivating at the "candy".  Desire, needs, wants, hunger, seeking and deserving more......what comes out of our basement in hungry force?

The story: 
We're naive
Our unconscious desires, needs, wants, and VULNERABILITIES rise
We must deal with our self,,,,,or they consume us.

The witch intends to eat them: our inner hidden can destroy us, forever...... Examples:
One likes some idea, experience, desire so much that it takes over the whole Self, and the Soul is lost: I see this in Brazilians who are so torn by reality on the poverty streets that they escape by sniffing potent glue. Yes, escape from harmful realities is good, but what is a real escape? In this story, the glue sniffed is so powerful that portions of the brain, mind, soul, and life are destroyed with each use....and the loss is not retrievable. 

Or, one becomes so overtaken by an ideal that all else is lost: in being committed to some ultra conservative religio-political cult, there are two outcomes of the Hansel and Gretels:
a. person A represses desire, sex, fun, rebellion, creativity: and a million secret sex affairs are forged
b. person B represses the same, but becomes priggish and closed off to life, and a soul of creating, risking, desire, fun, learning, failing, and exploring is lost in some ranting blog.........perhaps even leading a few to become mass killers or ISIS recruits.....  (oddly, as recruits they may be celibate and morally constrained as their leaders teach them to be.....but as with the case of all "finger pointing and scapegoating groups", the leaders are lavishing themselves with sex, many wives, cars, luxuries, cigars, wine.....even in ISIS).

The Witch: our inner Feminine Creator, using feminine wiles to accomplish some evil dead. 
And, this Witch is like any Witch or Siren: deception is used for evil. True story: one day I talked to two women in my therapy office: one was a prostitute in Nevada, and actually was straight forward and demonstrated "moralities" others would ignore due to her chosen profession. The same day a client came in, a religious and priggish woman how had negative views of me, and most others. She was manipulative to get her way, bringing in a lovely peach cobbler for me. The, she worked in session of getting what she wanted: she wanted validation her husband was a ass, and she was justified in her daily punishment of him, that ass.  The later case demonstrated the feminine role of creative woman turned to the darkside: evil "eating" and consuming of the masculine or others after the con of getting them inside the house. 

Another view of this feminine turning to the darkside:

But, we're vulnerable, and learn.....
You survive and are no longer naive. You've left your parents metaphor of life, and faced your desires.  You then are smarter or consumed by them.

Siren, another symbol of the feminine gone wrong, taking over, using wiles to a wicked advantage. 

more Siren images:

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Gaslight of the Witch of Hansel and Gretel

Here is a short photo story of Hansel and Gretel:

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype.
  • The Gaslight of the Witch of Hansel and Gretel
  • The naive participation by Hansel and Gretel
  • A universal tale and warning fair tale

1. naive

Hansel and gretel, grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

2. wanting "that or their stuff, candies and goodies" of any symbolic sort

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

3. come in, I'm so innocent, old and known to you, safe

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

4. come in, I'll help you lost children

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

5. I'm gonna eat you....

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

B and E artist: hidden in plain view right next to you

Dear G:

"Bob", I forgot his history of Breaking and Entry, and theft of things from my parent's house (prized antiques), his group of B and E friends, and the stories around. It may have been sunk in the basement as I was a "christian" in high school and has some "pray for you brother thing going on". I was always singing the pop song, He's my brother he aint heavy. 
So, the info comes up in the middle of the night:  I write it down: B and E artist, his two best buds went to prison for it. Several stories came to light, but he was hitting not lake cabins, but remote cabins: the lake cabins had weekend visitors, and he'd come home with stuff. It now makes sense: he'd borrow dad's truck to go for a ride, but dad made him take me to "get me out of the house", and he was scoping out cabins on the back road of little ski hill and our place, on the West Lake road of Cascade lake, to Donnelly: old cabins, some owned by sheep herders, and some with sheep herder wagons. Why his historical and cabin interest? 
Mom found a chest once, wood with brass edges: he said he "found it abandoned," as he always said. She went into a rage realizing how he got it....then, she tossed his room and found 9 items, including hunting knives and more, and another rage: she lined them out on his bed. They would not tell me what the story was, and that added to my confusion. 

stolen whisky jugs by B and E artist

Another time: he stole a giant antique saw blade from the mill, 36 inches mom painted gold, from the outside of house, and he ran to Boise. I remember now, him "casing" it all weekend, and asked him why he was staring at it. He just drove off. mom made him bring it back that week, but she got into some later forgetting or denial. He always took one nice old wood crate dad had collected, and when he moved to boise, filled it with tools. He'd have a story to tell dad, con, "you don't need it". But once, he took dad's used paints he liked to use and keep: "Don't take my paints thief". 
Now, I realize much of what he owns is from this very smart B and E: he has a giant Gnome wood statue and other stuff around the house he stole.......loaded. It's likely in Mccall he also B and E'd when in high school not just cabins, but outlying Forest Service guard stations we all knew well. 
He always had tools, objects, guns and knives showed up, antiques. 
He got mom and dad conned that the old fashioned jugs he brought home, all in perfect condition, were "found" in abandoned old cabins around Burdgorf and Warren: they weren't. But mom and dad believed it so much we always poked around fallen cabins expecting to find a perfect jug. 
I think now he lost his job at Axxx glass from theft. 
He stole from parents, others, my grandma: he stole grandma's house from me. And not, he's taken all dad's antiques, loot, money.....all of it....I estimate 7xxx. Theft.
What this means to me: I was having difficulty feeling fully assured he was a criminal thief until this piece came into, I have his "history", though it was "veiled" to me at the time: he always had money (because he was wheeling and dealing with stolen goods), hunting and fishing stuff.....
As a kid, I'd always lose "money". Dad would get on my case for being slovenly, and blamed me. He even went to my room, forced by mom, to help me find my 10 or 20, or rare $2 bill.  They fell into it.....and dad's in fully into the con. 

He got positive attention for being "enterprising" and finding stuff. After he got attention for the first jug, he soon "found" a whole group of them: in perfect condition. So, of all the valuables that could be left in an abandoned cabin, he said, why would these jugs in perfect condition be left behind?

I am reminded of the reality of "theft and thieves", but also my own vulnerability to the con:

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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