

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Gaslight of the Witch of Hansel and Gretel

Here is a short photo story of Hansel and Gretel:

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype.
  • The Gaslight of the Witch of Hansel and Gretel
  • The naive participation by Hansel and Gretel
  • A universal tale and warning fair tale

1. naive

Hansel and gretel, grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

2. wanting "that or their stuff, candies and goodies" of any symbolic sort

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

3. come in, I'm so innocent, old and known to you, safe

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

4. come in, I'll help you lost children

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

5. I'm gonna eat you....

Hansel and Gretel, Grimm's fairy tale is symbolic of our lives, archetype

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