

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Jenga: Your Narrative Just Got Knocked out from Under You....

What happens to a person Gaslighted, attacked by a political psychopath, bully parent, or abusive narcissistic boss?

"Psychopathic brilliance meets your vulnerabilities, known or unknown"

b. a brain then becomes dedicated to this:   narcissistic and taking methods of  attacker are combined with a brain without compassion, depth of feelings, remorse: the brain becomes one overtaken, dedicated to, and supercharged to function as that 17 year old regressed mind out to "get for me", greed, self serving, ego stroking,,,,,etc.

2 b. a brain then becomes dedicated to this:   narcissistic and taking methods of  attacker are combined with a brain without compassion, depth of feelings, remorse: the brain becomes one overtaken, dedicated to, and supercharged to function as that 17 year old regressed mind out to "get for me", greed, self serving, ego stroking,,,,,etc.

3 b. a brain then becomes dedicated to this:   narcissistic and taking methods of  attacker are combined with a brain without compassion, depth of feelings, remorse: the brain becomes one overtaken, dedicated to, and supercharged to function as that 17 year old regressed mind out to "get for me", greed, self serving, ego stroking,,,,,etc.

A week link or vulnerability is used by "psychopathic brilliance"

a. a lifetime of skill and knowledge is dedicated to the "taking" via the attacks and methods
(see links to the book resources above on the 100 methods).
b. a brain then becomes dedicated to this:
narcissistic and taking methods of  attacker are combined with a brain without compassion, depth of feelings, remorse: the brain becomes one overtaken, dedicated to, and supercharged to function as that 17 year old regressed mind out to "get for me", greed, self serving, ego stroking,,,,,etc.

The result:

Your story of your life is gone....and their narrative or story is nourished, fed, grown...

Attacks range from sneaky vulnerability attacks, development of weaponry (the potato rubber band's oddity confounds us), or just outright fist smashing.....

The result:     Your story of your life is gone....and their narrative or story is nourished, fed, grown...    Attacks range from sneaky vulnerability attacks, development of weaponry (the potato rubber band's oddity confounds us), or just outright fist smashing.....

mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

3 mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

4 mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

For them, it's the game of life, fun, but for you, it's the dissolution of life as you see it.


7 mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

8 mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

How, then, does one rebuild?

Here are a few ideas, metaphors from pictures and some videos on Africa from the BBC:

What healing metaphor are you using?

1. we must become the inner child again: be willing to play again, start, trust

be the child willing to restart: mental jenga of the abuser psychopath and narcissist: smash your life

2. We get back to our story narrative, like these videos symbolically explain:

bbc reel dreams Africa: 2. We get back to our story narrative, like these videos symbolically explain:  

2 bbc reel dreams Africa: 2. We get back to our story narrative, like these videos symbolically explain:

3 .   bbc reel dreams Africa: 2. We get back to our story narrative, like these videos symbolically explain:

4. bbc reel dreams Africa: 2. We get back to our story narrative, like these videos symbolically explain:

Your Narrative Just Got Knocked out from Under You....

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