

Monday, December 24, 2018

It's 10 O'Clock. Where is your President?

Is he visiting some disaster victims, talking on the phone to a suffering laid off worker, intervening with the health crisis of migrants at the border or Yemen, visiting a National Park like Yellowstone in winter to promote awareness and environmental care, meeting with a woman / a Hispanic / a Native American to understand and include, or any of 1,000 other things?

It's 10 O'Clock. Where is your President?

What world issues are ignored by your leaders, where compassion goes beyond platitudes and cons?
What world issues are ignored by your leaders, where compassion goes beyond platitudes and cons?

Beware, an event planned with cameras, fine clothes and speeches is not one of the above: that's the con in action. That is fake compassion.

How to tell a political psychopath from a compassionate leader:

Here are 15 tools: Several books point out how to detect psychopaths in our midst: they're everywhere and there are perhaps 1 in 10 around you that are dangerous narcissists. Here are other stats of how many narcissists are also psychopathic takers (having traits of anti-social personality disorder, take from any, and lack compassion in their person and actually lack that feature in their brains. Percentage of persons that likely have common psychopathic disorder and pose short term and long term danger to you and others (they actually don't get "better" but become worse over time:

15 books on how to tell psychopaths from others: including a "field guide" and book of their methods and strategies.

  • attorneys: 40% of them
  • police officers that needed weeded out at the git go: 15% (and, that also says 85% are great, the others though, are bad seeds)
  • common criminals, breaking and enter types with repeated offenses: 60%
  • general population of prisoners: 70%
  • population of prisoners with repeat offenses: 90%
  • car salesmen: people who sell and hide fees, and feel justified taking from others: 40%
  • cons, grifters, repeated cheats: 90%
  • mass killers, serial killers, sado-masochists: 100%

And, there are those who become this by life events, brain damage, depression, inherited features. There are those who have degrees of "culturally taught narcissism, crime, and psychopathy. This happens all over, and next door to you, but one example we might understand: persons following other dictators or corrupt leaders fall into that line, and take money and bribes, And, their personality changes, but also that feature in the mind of understanding and compassion is changed forever: lessened. For short videos on this, see:

the tab at

This is a metaphor for all times:
will we and our leaders promote world peace and environmental healing, or will we seek battles with other leaders, both playing as a mental psychopath chess game of power and selfish material gain. Just who shit on attitudes of peace, cooperation, respect for women and races, income equity for all? Those who did that shat: they're the ones hiding their wealth and greed, their root motive. We can take back: world peace as an agenda of my government, aid, bridges, dialogue. Who took away rules protecting our rivers and National Parks? We can take back our own heritage, hope, and joy.

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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