Takers / Bullies of the innocent, causing PTSD in childhood & lifelong adulthood victim roles. Being a victim / having PTSD is not a choice but accident causing damaged dulled awareness to cons and abuse. Hope exists viewing the victimization / brain damage as ever present / lifelong, managing PTSD symptom reduction, increasing consciousness / reducing stress: taking your life back. Charles K. Bunch, Phd., author 50 books at Amazon.com and retired clinical therapist.
Why is sex and lying a part of the Gaslighter's lifestyle?
Remember, from the 13 books on Dark Disorder: the psychopath and narcissistic personality person next door, that the Gaslighter is regressed:
age regressed to 12 in some situations: the need to be competitive, win the "game"
age regressed to the age of a 17 year old Young Man (please see our full disclaimer of this regression not being a bias against anybody being 17 years because we've all "been there.....it's symbolic of the mentality of that aged, a needed progression, but one of getting babes, cars, money, and grandiose self-driven goals) in life goals, language, need to have a "sexy" person on their arm, to be known as having a huge penis or profound sexual methods or prowess (though much of sex drive may be from ego needs, and not necessarily due to any being oversexed or having hyper - libido....the Gaslighter may have hidden inside sexual ability doubts, but compensate by acting James Bond Sexual.... And, the Gaslighter, due to inner doubt, is likely a candidate for needing mega quantities of Viagra).
The language of the regressed age Gaslighter, although he may appear that oh so mature and dapper James Bond image, is one of the regressed age that Gaslighter has:
in the last few days, Donald Trump has given several nationwide speeches, many that use the slang of a youth, and not a mature speech of a statesman, leader, manager, or even politician. He has returned to:
Lock her Up
What about Obama.
"Isn't that just awful"
"We going to rebuild the steel industry like you've never seen before".
Slang, euphemisms, cliches, and the general "language" of the 17 year old are used.
So, as with James Bond, there is sex and a sexual image projected to all others, without shame. I'm the Sex Guru.
And, there is sex that is done for ego needs. This really puts sex and a sex life as one dominating force for the Gaslighter. The movie Gaslight downplays this matter, but the movie was written at the end of the sexually conservative 30's, one where men and women didn't talk about or allude to sex.
One thing that is missing though in the Gaslighters and the movie: there is no true love or romance: it's all fake. There are no love poems, showers of gifts that come from the heart, talking about dreams and the future. This is because the sex object is just that: a sex object. This is a person to use for one's needs, and to toss. That's what Gaslighters do when the get what they wanted: use and toss because another is not one with feelings or humanity. Others are like Hannibal Lecter, just dinner entres.
(CNN)The Washington Post's Fact-Checker blog has been keeping a strict count of President Donald Trump's many misstatements, untruths and outright lies. And, over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, Trump hit another) milestone: He topped 3,000 untrue or misleading statements in 466 days in office.
That means that, on average, Trump says 6.5 things that aren't true a day. Every. Single. Day. (Trump is actually picking up the pace when it comes to not telling the truth; he has averaged nine untruths or misleading statements a day over the past two months, according to the Post's count.)
Gaslighters: not seeing worth or humanity of others, including children
There is a game plan and a game of the Gaslighter. For more on Gaslighter's games, books on this, and psychological characteristics of the dirty coach, see:
Winning for the Gaslighter, we've summarized in 13 books on Dark Disorder: the Psychopathic Leader / Politician and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder Man (only 1 in 20 are women, though they do exist, and can be from cruel to gruesome) is twofold:
1. maintain control to gain all advantages
Dirty methods of the Dark Disorder are used, ALWAYS sold (PR, Lies, Counter Attacks, Throw your friends and enemies under the bus to use fear and psychological destruction).
2. Win. Winning for the gaslighter and Dark Disorder is two-fold
a. you win the game whatever that may be
b. you win enough games, that you get the gold. The gold is in Gaslight, the ladies rubies and destruction of a person without value, then run onto the next game scam.
In general, so that the Gaslighter doesn't become the target of suspicion, they'll dress dapper, run in the right circles, and have the right $2000 suit, but this is managed to a level of "acceptability". Acceptability is that level where people admire you for the nice suits, but don't suspect you're a thief.
As we lined out in the 13 Dark Disorder books, the Gaslighter will maintain enough dapperness, understanding of a fine wine, and run in the right upper echelon groups ONLY to feed their ego that they have access to other's RUBIES. IF it took the gaslighter dressing like a Lumberjack to steal the jewels from the 7 Dwarfs, they'd adapt and do that. The dress, single malt whisky, and Jaguar serve as tools of the con story only, UNLESS
......the Gaslighter has riches hidden. These riches hidden can be Precious Gemstones in tiny bags, as is likely with the villain of Gaslight. Some "greenhorn" gaslighters, cons, and Dark Disorders may flaunt their babes, riches, cars, and designer clothes in front of others. But, eventually they realize that this flaunting draws too much attention of others: some will admire it, some who have normal suspicions will wonder where they got the goods without having a job or coming from Old Money. As they advance, Dark Disorders learn to hide their wealth. Sometimes other Dark Disorder Persons may be invited to a party at the mansion of the Dark Disorder to dine feast on imported caviar and even endangered game. Some may be allowed to view the collection of fine cars. But, for the most part, the Dark Disorder learns that the greater the wealth or riches you have, the greater you have to hide it, or keep all others out of your mansions. Sometimes, even relatives are kept out of the Dark Disorder's mansion, in order to maintain control of who knows how much you have, and to prevent something common among the aristocrats and royals in history: there are family take-overs and even murder of Dark Disorder.
The Dark Disorder must maintain this secrecy, and convey an image of "who, me rich with golden toilets?" because their life was built on knowing and using other lesser flunky Cons like themselves, and as for family members taking their wealth: the personality of Dark Disorder certainly seems to have some biological genetic roots, as many Dark Disorders have, in history, had the same Psychopathic personalty: if dear dad walked on others to steal, and has no value for the humanity or welfare of others except to use them for personal needs and gratification, the children follow. Apples don't fall far from the tree. If a child has no compassion or empathy for others, this includes one's parents: it means nothing to kill parents if you gain.
I enjoy lots of history documentaries. I'm not a big reader of history, but have read of the accounts of the maker of the Taj Mahal in India. Shah Jahan was selfishly lavish, but to stop this, his son took over his wealth and mentally tortured him by putting him in a lesser palace across the river from his Taj Mahal, where he could only look at the Taj, being it's death tomb of his dead and obsessively beloved wife. It was a very cruel solution.
Dark Disorders are at risk of family "vampires" taking over, but historically, they've been associated with thugs and takers all their life. The "WINNERS" of the Game are not just victors in taking the Rubies, but also in keeping the other thieves away. The Gaslighter has used thugs at all times, and is at threat at all times by the thugees more than the nice lady in Gaslighting. And, they're at risk of losing all more to the other thugs than even the police or detectives, as they've always corrupted the systems and governments to their advantage!! I've lived in Brazil, where no level of government is free of corruption and payoff to benefit a Gaslighter!
You will get used
lack of compassion, empathy of the Dark Disorder
there is a play running, even if it's to cause others to feel crazy
the gloating win dance
who's in charge here??? Me
So, there is a game, and a Game Plan.
The goal is to win, though as we see above, the winnings may not be very viewable to the public as the gold and land deeds are secreted. But, the fact that they are in secret, doesn't stop the Gaslighter: one can delight in private the riches you've stolen.
The Game then, is like both Chess, and Football:
For full descriptions of this, see the book resources.
The plays:
counter propaganda
chaos that leads to control or riches in 1 to 3 years
image building
coach's playbook of football plays
Did you know you were drawn into this: What's the Game plan Here?
How many metaphors can you find in these Chess Match gifs. The evil chessmaster has a plan, a goal of winning, and destruction. See yourself, the pawn here, as the Gaslighter has no sense of humanity or compassion?
I've played "some" chess, and learned one important thing: you can't beat a chessplayer more skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable than your self. The Gaslighter is a pro. Therefore, don't even play the chess game: you'll get beaten. Find another entirely different "way".
I'm very interested in how society can and always asks like a "symbolic person". The people of Barcelona, El Paso, or Portland, Oregon, have group characteristics, just like people or even pets you know.
Society is said to act like a person. We all know about negative or positive group think, the culture of conservative or IT companies, and the culture and values of some cities. One study looked at these values as restaurant types.
You find Texas BBQ in many cities, but of course dominant in Texas. But, this study looked at a few restaurant types:
Where would you find Cracker Barrel Restaurants? In the conservative southern states, and a few other pockets. In Western Idaho, I'm in one of those pockets of Cracker Barrel's. You'd find on any day there:
travelers from the East who have a map of Cracker Barrel's outside their state
conservative farmers, mostly wealthy rancher types
whites, a few blacks, but seldom Hispanics, and no others of different world religions
people that have a Trump, US Flag, or Lock Her Up bumper sticker on their car, many have NRA bumper stickers
people in Cracker Barrel are not too diverse: Saturdays you'll find some small LDS Mormon families eating in a group, celebrating some Temple Ritual completed by a family member at the new Meridian LDS Temple or the Boise LDS Temple. Lunch times, you'll find hunters, construction workers, and small business groups of men eating (no women), and saying their Evangelical grace before eating. The women seem to show up in pairs afternoons, and grace is followed sometimes with a little open Bible two or three person study. The goods sold in Cracker Barrel: nostalgia, candles, and American sell well here in the state of Idaho, sometimes called Idabama.
This area is also home to conservative Christian other companies such as Hobby Lobby. It seems to be the duty of local Evangelicals to patronize there (though LDS Mormons are not encouraged to be so "crafty"). Chik-fil-a is also obliged to Evangelicals, but not Mormons.
The other restaurants that dominated other areas included primarily the rest of the country, represented by Applebees. This is also a family restaurant though there is a bar in the middle of each. But, it draws a different crowd than Cracker Barrel. And, there is no alignment of persons there, necessarily, to American, Gifts, or a conservative or political view.
So, groups, crowds, businesses, and even our restaurants can take on a "human culture".
In the book, UP FROM SCAPEGOATING, the author points out that groups, clubs, towns, states, and countries can take on the worst human characteristics of;
mob think
the dominant group dominates and vilifies the smaller cultural or citizen groups (in the West, this is mostly White Race, though there is now Evangelicalism, a dominance and repression of others not Evangelicals. Historically, in the Western Hemisphere, there was the oppression and murder of millions in many countries by Catholic Explorers of Spain and Portugal. Cultures were destroyed. The British Empire once included the Colonies which became the USA. Economic oppression of taxing and military control ranged from Boston to Delhi, India.
In the occidental hemisphere, Eastern, dominance is associated with the dominant race, but more so by political or religious groups. Massive Genocides occur annually in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, where the dominant culture vilifies the smaller group.
The author of UP From Scapegoating says this process is common everywhere: bias is a human nature and is accomplished by
1. developing group think
2. developing an attitude of Cultural Narcissistic Disorder and Political Psychopathy
3. finding a lesser group to blame social problems, economic problems or tensions onto. It could be anything, because groups, states, and countries always have tension of some sort. The trigger is always there, and a lesser group is always there.
(Where India borders Pakistan, there are always killings or mass murders of the Other group. The determinant is just this: in a town where the Hindu or the Muslim Population is larger, determines who will attack the lesser and smaller group. If there is a rape or some tragedy, the dominant group vilifies and attacks the smaller group). Violence against women and LGTBQ's is up and double last year: you or someone you know will be a victim of a person who feels superior, greedy, and justified in robbing innocence or homes.
4. the narcissism grows: we're better because, you're lesser because
5. and ANGER comes to play.
6. The Brain Allows the Biased group think:
we all can become little psychopaths where we no longer see the value of a person or group of persons, just like Hannibal Lecters's "they" are just food, sex objects, cattle, or. This is the thought of any school shooter, serial killer, or sociopath/psychopaths: I will need to kill you, you're lesser than me or my race, you're a threat, you're like a dirty tissue or a chicken to be slaughtered and eaten. This loss of compassion and worth of others occurs in the mind and the brain: Vampire movies, the Purge, Dexter, Serial Killer Movies, the Las Vegas Shooting, Dillon Kliebold and thousands of movies and documentaries demonstrate this loss of compassion and humanity of the other. Scapegoating, finding fault, and killing follows.
When the book UP FROM SCAPEGOATING WAS written, we did not know:
1. how day to day Scapegoating is, and can be seen by all of us
2. how the brain participates in Bias and killings by innocent people, those drawn into genocides to "protect" their families or country.
3. how much ANGER is a part of the drive behind the scapegoating, vilification, and attacks/murders........
4. and that YOU AND I are very vulnerable to this
6. and that we are currently in a world of the
Culture of Anger: Anger and taking it out on the lessers is now seen as Good. Donald Trump has been the number one PR guy for anger and raging on others, though it's always there. He's helped develop a
a. Culture of Anger that reaches up to a Culture in the US of Raging
b. culture of Narcissism
c. culture of look out for number 1 and take care of number 1
d. keep other's off guard: play a destabilizing chess game of attacks and counter moves: this develops frustration and more anger in all
e. vilify often, but also take your buddies and throw an innocent one under the bus to promote the culture of your Napoleanship.
f. don't tell anyone: the only reason you do all of this is for your private greed goals: you're seeking to rob someone of their riches, rights, land, spare change, gold, luxuries. You're trying to make and prove your point of a superior view and superior self. You counter each confrontation with a counter attack or disinformation, done with great skill of a lifetime of practice.
And, just how then does this all related to the movie Gaslighting?
Gaslighting is a mini-demo of all of this, and for a movie from 1940's does a pretty good job
The anger and rage cycles are there: you don't want to really mess with this guy
the Narcissism and psychopathy is there: his mind and brain both see no humanity or value in the woman being attacked: she's just an avenue to get the Jewels
there is a game being played, a chess match to win
Now, here are other examples of when Groups become like greedy narcissistic psychopathic persons, all in the news of this last week:
When Gaslighting becomes a mob, lynchings, Whatsapp, and Alligators!
When Gaslighting becomes a mob, lynchings, Whatsapp, and Alligators!