

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Catfishing: Let's You Guys There have a brawl.

The gaslighter is in control best, and calm when he has orchestrated you having a fight with another, or creating a situation of tension: you're watching him flirt with a relationship or sexual competitor: the aware other.

Catfishing: Let's You Guys There have a brawl.

or, the brawl can be unconscious tension you feel.....still, this is the designed brawl.

Sometimes, you may feel like the bottom feeder catfish role he forces you into, but at other times, you feel like mush: powerless, confused, mixed up.

In terms of fishing, that catfish mush is called "chum". Fish blended up, bloodied, to attract fish that are "better" in the narcissist's mind:

And, chum is not a pretty sight:

It's not there. What's wrong with you?

Hiding the Truth: You didn't see that.

When is something hidden in art?

Versus, this: 

When are you told something is not there, but it really was / is???

When is the Gaslighter's Sexual actions not about Sex?

When is the Gaslighter's Sexual actions not about Sex?

As I posted some information and a panel yesterday about gaslighters that flirt, or even have "harems" of sexual partners (gay or straight), the intent is to have a supply of victims.

These victims are of two types:

  • those cod fish and those catfish, a metaphor

  • those desired sexually, so called "sexy person's" in the mind of the gaslighter, versus other dummies that are being manipulated. 

I wanted to be sure to add the panel, that our conversations are not be anti-sex, anti-sexuality, or a reason to jump on some moralistic "Prohibition" type bandwagon, as we often do. 

Here is that panel:

1. we are driven more than we know or accept that we "look" at others sexually attractive to us. Our brain is created thus. And, this all varies from person to local / country cultures.  Both men and women "look" with no intention of bringing the other into the Narcissistic Supply Circle of use and abuse. There is no ultimate plan to use and abuse, though affairs occur often.  Sex and Morals are not a matter for the Gaslighter, but psychological control and use human "resource / food / workers / soilent green, is. 

2. the Gaslighter though does this with a plan: the wife (the audience) must see eye dart, hear the "she's a beautiful human, or get wind of the sexy Tweet for it to be effective and part of the plan: the bottom feeder catfish, often a spouse, must know of the act toward the "cod" person to be brought into the cycle.  

So, how do we differentiate those with normal sexual actions or normal deviations that are discounted by society? 

Gaslighting, viewed as onging in a person's life and not just a single situation:
20% of men and 10% of women that have significant Narcissitic Personality Disorder  Traits
5% of the population who have psyhopathy, sociopathy, and antisocial personality disorder
.5% of the population Serial Killers (having psychopathy, narcissism, sociopathy plus antisocial personality disorder)
criminals, felons, cons with antisocial personality disorder
other disorders, including borderline, pathological lying, adult PTSD with childhood trauma, paranoid, pathological liars
those missing diagnosis, seen as just "Angry Young men shooting in bars post Iraq" or "Crazy women who kill their kids"

How can sex and sexuality be distinguished from the Gaslighter's sexual harem and flirting that is "the maintenance of narcissistic supply"?

While an extreme case, the story of Ted Bundy, the experts remind, while Bundy gaslights and blames his problems on pornography, his cruel psychopathic disorder is the root of his problems.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Does your husband see you as a dumb Catfish bottom feeder? Catfishing Pt. 2

Does your husband see you as a dumb Catfish bottom feeder?

Catfishing Pt. 2

Catfishing: a
method of

Part 1: what is catfishing?

Alfred Neuman of Mad Magazine is always click, innocent, blaming, and sometimes contemporary as is his new 2018 image:

Alfred Neuman of Mad Magazine is always click, innocent, blaming, and sometimes contemporary as is his new 2018 image:

How many of these "processes" can a gaslighter keep in motion at one time: women, work, other types of victims?

Two forced into
the story line of
the Gaslighter, kept
in the metaphoric
"trawler" of foods.
This is called
"Narcissistic Supply"

Two forced into a mutual process:
wife sees you look at pretty women
catfish keep cod alive, a
narcissist or psychopath
setting up and controlling
the whole story line

a. catfish plus cod in trawler

b. human victim (not really desired but
used by the Dark Disordered)
to keep other more select victims
alive, kicking, and USEABLE, VIABLE, AVAILABLE
for some later use. Note, this is not as a friend or advisor,
but as a victim where form is like a Cod, not a Catfish

Are you part of the Narcissistic's supply?

starting to build one Supply Source, by the gaslighter

mental system of confusion and self-doubt
vulnerability to daily and lifelong gaslight situations (victims of cons, psychopaths, liars, or bullies)
lack of awareness it's happening: the con and self-doubt seem most normal
real areas of the brain are super dedicated to being confused, self doubt, believing lies and cons, and reduced control / self-direction of one's own life. This continually influence all later years of life: "it all" seems to not go away but actully increase over time
ongoing danger of being conned into illegal situations or  taking on the values of the con / liar / psychopath, or accepting and believing sick values of bully, narcissistic, or psychopathic leaders / politicians / bully bosses
Lack of Critical thinking and rejection of the other's ideas, values, or view of what happened: Of course: XYZ Never happened. You're mistaken. You're wrong.

Is Online Catfishing a Form of Gaslighting?

Is Online Catfishing a Form of Gaslighting?

Current evolved definition: using a false identity online to lure people.

Recent background definition:

using a dumber victim species to keep a species for consumption alive and kicking:

a. keeping catfish in a trawler full of live codfish, as it was claimed likely by an urban myth, that the moving catfish would keep the live codfish activer and more would survive the trip: both fish were eventually to be used, food.
b. keeping a person or persons on board "something" to keep other more valuable types alive and kicking, believing the story present:

1. having seat fillers at an event does / makes others in the crowd who may be later paying patrons more willing to
2. having dumb but gregarious people at a party makes it buzzier, funner, and you're more likely to have a good time with your selected friends, or "score".
3. smiling at a pretty woman, by married man, where wife notices, keeps her on her toes, anxious, more active to please you........

Are you seen as a dumb bottom feeder?

and that is called: Narcissist Supply: the numbers of both cod and catfish needed to feed on, the numbers of victims needed of two types: dummy fish to keep the active crop fish alive, but both will be eaten.

Parallels with Narcissist Supply and Gaslighters:

1. there is a narcissist or psychopath that has a plan
2. there are lesser's, in all cases to be used, eaten, and having no human worth
3. mix them in the trawler hold all: you're the captain of the ship in the warm cabin


This is an older article, 2013, that doesn't represent the current evolution or urban definition of Catfishing, so portions no longer germane. I'm not recommending the remainder of this article or the movie, as there are confusing elements. Dr. B.

Towards the end of the 2010 documentary Catfish, Nev Schulman finally meets the woman with whom he’s carried on a long-term online relationship. She is, he discovers, not young and single, but in her 40s and married. By way of metaphorical explanation, the woman’s husband, Vince Pierce, recounts the following story, which inspired the name of the film:
At the end he tells a story about how live cod were shipped along with catfish to keep the cod active and ensure the quality of the fish.
He uses the metaphor to describe Angela, saying there are always "catfishes" in our lives who keep us alert, active and on our toes.
Catfish the movie was followed by an MTV reality show of the same name, and.... the term “catfish” has gone mainstream. Today, it has a narrower definition than it did when Vince Pierce used it: Typically, it refers to a person who creates a fake online profile in order to fraudulently seduce someone. It has also become a verb to refer to the act of doing so. This new, more malevolent definition, quite a leap from what Pierce seemed to have in mind, can be traced directly to the MTV series and the movie that preceded it. But where did Pierce’s catfish story come from?

Zimmer points out that Nevinson’s essay may have been published in a periodical some time before Essays in Rebellion  came out; it is cited in Charles Marriott’s novel The Catfish, which was also published in 1913....... “most catfish are bottom feeders—by no means voracious predators that would keep the cod agile.” Jacquet adds that “a piranha or a shark” would be a more logical choice.

Are there any recent cases of catfishing?
There are two types of victims - the people who are duped into trusting someone with a false identity, and those who have their personal photos stolen and used by someone that isn't them.

Here are some of the most recent cases of catfishing:

In August 2016, a love-struck man was gullible enough to believe he was dating Katy Perry.
In February 2017, a catfish victim discovered someone was using her pictures online... and she was shocked when she realised how they'd avoided detection.
In March 2017, a flight attendant revealed her horror at a ‘Catfish’ Facebook account using her photos to trick hundreds of men into sending nude snaps.
In April 2017, selfie queen and former MP's wife Karen Danczuk revealed how fraudsters keep stealing her famous pictures for fake Facebook, Twitter and dating profiles.
And in July 2017, Katie Price's ex-boyfriend was forced to hire a private detective after his photos were used on 40 fake social media profiles to lure women. Matt Peacock, 34, was left appalled after discovering some of the victims had been pressured into sending explicit photos and videos of themselves to the

from The Sun

Someone who pretends to be someone else, especially on the internet. Found on anywhere from instagram to twitter to chat sites, these people use fake pictures to disguise who they are. A synonym for this in some situations may be "troll" because the majority of catfish out there are simply out to troll others, while others have their own reasons for this approach. Often catfish, once discovered, are faced with people full of annoyance and frustration at being "catfishes"
Matt: Ah man that chick Kasey I liked was a catfish all along. Even the booty was fake!
Mark: Ah duuuuuddeee that sucks lets go get you a real girl with a real booty.

from Urban Dictionary

Towards the end of the 2010 documentary Catfish, Nev Schulman finally meets the woman with whom he’s carried on a long-term online relationship. She is, he discovers, not young and single, but in her 40s and married. By way of metaphorical explanation, the woman’s husband, Vince Pierce, recounts the following story, which inspired the name of the film:
They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They’d keep them in vats in the ship. By the timethe codfish reached China, the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guycame up with the idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them and the catfish will keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes. They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish because we would be droll, boring and dull if we didn't have somebody nipping at our fin

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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