

Monday, December 31, 2018

Secret Sex, part of the Gaslighter's life? You decide.

After the Nixon impeachment which was cut short by his resignation, Bill Clinton was caught in an ocean of lies, including his Shady Investments and Sexual Scandals. These two Impeachment matters have great parallels to Trump:
**sexual scandals: several lengthy affairs, hookers, and a pattern of sexual philandering: egotistical and conquest oriented sexual encounters without end, without end.
**shady deals for monstrous personal gain: properties and money investments
**lies and cons of the public: gaslighting
**suppression of the Press, lack of transparency

**sexual scandals: several lengthy affairs, hookers, and a pattern of sexual philandering: egotistical and conquest oriented sexual encounters without end, without end.  **shady deals for monstrous personal gain: properties and money investments  **lies and cons of the public: gaslighting  **suppression of the Press, lack of transparency

trump sexual scandals and lies

trump sexual scandals and lies 2

3 trump sexual scandals and lies

4 trump sexual scandals and lies

6 trump sexual scandals and lies

7 grab them by the pussy donald trump pix

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