

Monday, December 31, 2018

Dog Poop on Your Lawn? Gaslighters Maligning Peace and Collaboration

Maybe real leaders would ask, what is the root problem here, poverty and jobs, and what can I / we do to be a positive and active influence to that, now? How can the US be a Leader instead of a punisher? What will it take for people from these countries to feel save and thriving there? Leadership is a bridge to others.

How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:
a con
and a dog pooping on something you value?

How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:  a con  and a dog pooping on something you value?

We've lost touch with our own historical projects of Peace Corps, and connections with peoples projects run by our State Department (managed by US Embassies and Consulates worldwide......but disappearing fast).

donald trump: at war against you

For more info on War Against You, see our older blog with archived articles by topic, and books on War Against You: Trump:

How was Peace maligned, who discounted US peace initiatives including work by US Consulates, Embassies, the Peace Corps, and the UN????
Ignoring or Pooing on a concept, a cherished one:

2 How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:  a con  and a dog pooping on something you value?

Peace Corps:

eco, wells:

forgiveness of student loans by service:

forgiveness of student loans by non-profits and NGOs:

Being overly nice to Gaslighters gets you disrespected and shat upon. This "I'll only take the high road", is ok with normal people but not gaslighters and their mental conned zombies:

being nice: How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:  a con  and a dog pooping on something you value?

Because of this, other methods must be used, those that are not the high road or low road, but a direct treatment of the problem: stopping

electrified: How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:  a con  and a dog pooping on something you value?.

roast: How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:  a con  and a dog pooping on something you value?

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