

15 Books on Gaslighters, 30 on Rebuilding and Hope

Books, Kindle, and CDs Catalog

Catalog: toolbox of 100 books and cds

Political Psychopaths and Donald Trump psychopath bully narcissist books by Charles K Bunch phd at

If you're not able to find the desired book by Dr. Bunch at via these links below, search by the title and add "Charles Bunch PhD" to that title search.

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If you find a book or cd with a bizarre high price, it's a scam (books from $40 to $150).....ignore those and keep searching by trying a fresh search for the title you want: all of Dr. Bunch's books are available in Kindle and book from about $3 to $30.

bipolar books: Political Psychopaths and Donald Trump psychopath bully narcissist books by Charles K Bunch phd at

  Subliminal Binaural Hypnosis CDs, 29.95, at
If you cannot find the book you're looking for, search by book titles at

A sample of the books:

Political Psychopaths and Donald Trump: books by Charles K Bunch phd at
an important list with short descriptions

Las vegas shooter psychopath

13 Books on Narcissism and Psychopathy at


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all come in book and Kindle

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book and kindle

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Start with this one book first!!!

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5 books on your Dark Shadow: Jungian Shadow Work

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 Short Youtube Videos:

Allowing True Love subliminial audio cd

                        Recovery from bullies, rape, childhood trauma, work bully

                       Recovery cds and books: anxiety, panic, depression, PTSD

Rebuliding, hope, suicide innoculation books and subliminal audio cds

Depression, Mood, Cyclothymia, Bipolar Disorder, GAD books and subliminal cds

Post Trauma Stress Disorder, Stress, Difficulty, books and cds

weight training, crossfit, and bodybuilding: overcome blocks with subliminal audio cds

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Dark therapy and blue light management for bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, summer mania hypomania

Adults: but as child had alc parents, narcissistic parents, sexual abuse, neglect, confusion, trauma, traumatic events, medical trauma

Gay and lesbian affirmations of hope, stop suicide

Recoverying life from crisis, trauma, and depression. Hope

Rumi Mantra Quotes and affirmations for healing and hope

And, short videos from out site: Resist Rock

Photo Pro Tshirts with hope affirmations built in

Rumi quotes for healing on Western Photos

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Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?

new book on men with narcissistic personalitty disorder


 Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:take back your life, book, shadow work 2


Here is Book One on Shadow Work:

Click here for book one at 

 shadow work workbook 1 at


All books, softcover and ebook at


80 Books at Charles Bunch Phd 

80 books on bullies, narcissism, psychopaths

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