

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Obama: too little to late: but we better Triage the Bloody Body

A public acknowlesdgement of the gaslighter is always, without a doubt too little, too late.

That's the nature of a

  • gaslighter
  • Ebola and other super viruses
  • environmental damage next door to all of us
  • erosion of human values and human rights
  • preventative disease and health care
  • leadership in a world: promoting democracy, inclusion, respect
  • rodents in the grain pile
  • global warming, ignored in our oceans
  • extinction of species (15 birds listed as recently extinct in the US just last week)
  • and so much more!

Alejandro separated from mother, age 13, from Guatemala

What does it take to change this perpetual being caught off guard?

This website provides those answers on how to get "speedy awareness" of Gaslighters, with many methods, including some super counter weapons inclcuding "propaganda confrontation". 

a article worth viewing:

If you've ever known a 13-year old, you need to read this article:

Other gaslighter stories:

Obama speaks against Trump: but it's always too little too late. He's not validated for what he's saying because of the lateness. Still, it shows two things:

a. he's changed his view: in this special circumstance, one must speak. The idea of Michelle that "we'll take the high road when they take the low road" is childish and simplistic when facing psychopaths.

b. he does have a concrete view and voice of psychopathy

c. he held a view that only the next generation can save us: now he says we have to save ourselves now or there's no next generation!

Obama: too little to late: but we better Triage the Bloody Body

Obama finally speaks against Donald Trump: a hero too little too late
Obama finally speaks against Donald Trump: a hero too little too late

13 year old boy Alejandro separated mother: Trump lack of compassion is characteristic of psychopathy

The lasting effects of family separations, as seen through the eyes of a 13-year-old

Updated 5:30 AM ET, Sat September 8, 2018
(CNN)Alejandro and his mom journeyed for days without eating, stuck in a putrid bus with 65 strangers stuffed "all on top of each other."
Then they reached the US, where they say their nightmare really began.

"We just thought that they would empathize with us and that it would be different. But it didn't go that way," 13-year-old Alejandro said. "We had to suffer. I was inside a shelter for two months, and my mom was in prison for two months."

see this powerful article and many photos of Alejandro at:

The White House is not nicknamed Crazy Town:

Egypt court to hang many, dissidents, following 15 recent hangings of gays in Egypt
Egypt court to hang many, dissidents, following 15 recent hangings of gays in Egypt

Then, Trump's cronyism:

While on the other hand, the US funds Egypt aid and arms sales, while not confronting human rights and psychopath friend of Trump, President El-Sisi
While on the other hand, the US funds Egypt aid and arms sales, while not confronting human rights and psychopath friend of Trump, President El-Sisi

Would these policies ever impact you? If not directly, how about your children or relatives?

Trump cuts preventative medicine not just in Palestine, but US also! Motto of the psychopath: "die you"
Trump cuts preventative medicine not just in Palestine, but US also! Motto of the psychopath: "die you"

What image of compassion is missing as people are left to die, and even this very day, a major Air Strike is under way in Northern Syria by Syrian and Russian forces (where the US, under Trump pandering to Putin), has dropped involvement including the confrontation of the hundreds of murders committed today along with the silencing of opposition views!

Palestine: how did Trump change Palestine to a dying idea in just a few months? And, how are Palestinians dying literally from this?

What and where does he have to gain from this?

No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.
No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.

cut: emergency food, emergency medical, emergency school aid for displaced children to prevent generations of problems: No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.
cut: emergency food, emergency medical, emergency school aid for displaced children to prevent generations of problems: No matter your view of Israel and Palestine, Trump is playing the cronyism game with Israel: which move gets him what he wants, and ultimately fulfills ego and greed. Who ever dies along the way does not matter.  

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