1. I don't see the plight of women having improved much in that time. In fact, there's an incredible campaign to disse women, patronize them, joke about them. It does come in many forms, that may surprise us all:
- It shows up still in job pay: women are forced to handle two jobs or suffer in lifestyle, while men relish their entitlements
- It shows up in our schools and groups, in kids athletics where boys hear the downing of women by the phrase, "Ok, lets get going Girls, or are you soccer players".
- It shows up when we see what a president does to women (how he directs his wife's thinking and frequently calls women fat, slobs, insane, weak, mental, losers (and plays into our own acceptance of these words as we have no reaction or shock). Indeed, this leads to the acceptance that the PLACE and VOICE of women are discounted, ignored, and often laughed at.
Do you sit back and accept that "norm" or see those reactions as "normal" and tend to ignore them? If you do, and you ignore one neighbor, co worker, or EVEN a Feminist dissing comment by a female Fox reporter, then you've allowed it all! (isn't that shocking, women selling out against women**).
If you allow it once, yes, once, without confronting and standing, then you've allowed, and then promoted it, because:
Your Silence Speaks UP for Your Acceptance of The Idea or Joke
Bullies. Your silence makes you one...
10 powerful women moments in Game of Thrones: Women Not Having Balls, but Soul...Not rampant greedy aggression, but powerful even hidden forces..... :
Carl Jung, great psychoanalyst, and bullied by Sigmund Freud to the point of insanity and suicide, reclaimed his life. He then said that only the Feminine Energy and Very Roles of Women could save a society given to rampant male energy of destruction, entitlement, and personal greed.
If he lived today, he would have more social, world and environmental information and would also now pair this with:
The plight of women is a metaphor for ALL of society. As women go, so go all other matters. And, only the energy and roles of women can save society and even the world:
Women would have equal leadership in all social, government, and business roles.....and bring forward their forces and most importantly, SOULS, and
1. lead people away from the culture of violence, punishment of social outcasts with mass shootings (or taking out anger on innocent adult or school children).
2. find ways to not just stop global warming, but promote healthy environments and expanding greens: every person deserves they're vacations in Nature, and healing cities (there's been several articles out this month on pollution hindering child development, causing teen psychosis due to poor brain development, leading to much more.....whether that is Denver or Mongolia).
It's this energy of women that is connected with:
- The Humanity of All
- The essential need to protect Mother Earth
Are men totally off track? People tell me that every day. But, I think it's that men reject the inside feminine part. It's not a part that acts feminine, it's this mysterious Goddess within role. It's like Yin and Yang: without both parts, each human is just a Half person. There are vast books on this, including older books often ignored now, by Robert Bly. These are short books, an easy read....get one and then pass it on to a male you know..... Robert Bly was a progenitor of the US Men's movement, which eventually became laughed down by rampant male force and joking men.
3. How we function together is changed by the force of women. It becomes cooperation, understanding, and mutual solutions. For instance:
a. this force would look not at a Paternalistic, Military Jet, aggression approach of attacking the Palestinians and upping aggression by moving an embassy to Jerusalem: it would look at the plights and needs of humanity....... each person deserves to live, be healthy, AND THRIVE in PEACE.
Wow, as I follow world news daily from many resources.....the world is at great tension due to rampant male aggression. In fact, the last 10 years proves that male energy alone doesn't develop, evolve, mature: we've seen some of the worst world genocides in history this decade.
So, this becomes a new paradigm for local and distant problems:
1. why are Africans in revolt today? If you follow African news, this is very pan-African.....there are wide spread protests, revolts, mass shootings, and bombings TODAY from top to bottom and East to West Africa!
(there are two groups, as I see it, there are the disenfranchised always trying to get to a place to live, but then there are the psychopaths and angry PTSD victims that are ok with the killing of others because they have:
psychopaths: have no sense of humanity, remorse, or compassion in their brains
the PTSD Victims: have sold out to violence and anger, and the portion of their brain that produces senses of compassion, understanding, remorse, and fairness has been inhibited by their PTSD brain disorder
2. What is the plight in Guatemala that is causing the flood of refugees? It is murder, lack of jobs, lack of food...... Donald Trump cuts off aid of food to Guatemala and Honduras hoping that will punish them and stop the flow. But, the female force asks
What is the problem?
Then, what answers may fit?
3. Male energy can be this impulsive, vindictive and revengeful role. It's the elephant that never forgets a slight.....while the female force is completely different. The male force is like:
a. Donald Trump in teen-age punishment manner is going to send refugees to Sanctuary Cities: punishing American cities will be a first event for a President, who's role is actually supposed to be one of the "shepherd" to cities.
b. Trump moves on years of snubs from gays: uses a method from our playbook, listed at
to Divide and Conquer all via different methods, like Start Small and then keep under attach. (See the above for male methods of war). This comes from his pandering to South East States
far right fundamentalist Christians of how to Divide and Conquer. This is also the methods of the gigantic Koch Brother's foundation of getting legislation passed.
Trump moves against gays this week in Transgender Military Restrictions, the first steps in a "campaign" to come, in order for him to shore up votes from that conservative religious sector.
Well, I could go and and need to mostly stop here......you know I can keep going on, typing, adding......
**But, I'd like to address one other matter with Strong Women.
THE CURRENT CULTURE EITHER DISSES WOMEN OR PROMOTES WOMEN THAT ACT LIKE THE PSYCHOPATHIC MEN. That is, as a movie recently said, "Woman, you got one big set of balls".
When women don't own their power, they can be conned into become this male energy only force. Then, they are decisive, angry, and directive persons, who just like many men these days, is soul-less......a vampire among vampires.
I see this lots in Idaho where a women with full balanced male and female forces is not accepted. But, women who act aggressively and with rampant force, get things down, steam rollering all:
men and women
our legislation, agencies
nature, forests, reserves, city parks
rights of others
needs of the marginalized: blacks, Hispanics, all races, LGTBQ, children, and hey....me, the elderly
Muslims, atheists, agnostics, and more
Women with Soul and Power, or Women with Balls?
Game of Thrones knows: both good and bad female roles are demonstrated. Those with powerful feminine force accomplish, those with big balls male narcissist force....eventually succumb.
Now being into rap, I still follow the trends of what they talk about......here, an example of the rights of all, including the forgotten Indigenous:
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