

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Do you have Situs Inversus or some other Invertus Super Bug?

Sorry, I've been off my site here on Gaslighters due to a trip to Cuenca, Ecuador and Google shut down the blogs for a couple of weeks as it adds EU Internet laws and rules to blogs..... All ok now...

Situs Invertus

Invertus, Inversus, life twisted, reversed.....may seem what do we do with that in our life???

It's a mythic theme:

People feel born in the wrong place, time, or that they don't fit, something's missing, and etc. and etc....a myriad of very personal impressions only each person can understand... It's only a intuition, though this lady below really had it physically.

Invertus, inverus, life twisted, life opposite of planned and expected, and at least by our EGO, not wanted or refused

What if there's
Lifus Invertus
Geographics Invertus, Time,
Politics Invertus (now, felt by most worldwide)
Spirituality Invertus

Do you have Situs Inversus or some other Invertus Super Bug?

Any "invertus" makes you vulnerable to PTSD, and further victimization by future Gaslight Attackers.

But, how can you make sense of your "invertus", make lead and straw into gold in that Merlin the Alchemist way???

inner gaslight negative voice critical parent

A woman from the Pacific NorthWest lived to the ripe old age of 99 - despite her organs all being located in the wrong place. What’s more, Rose Marie Bentley never knew anything was amiss.
2 Do you have Situs Inversus or some other Invertus Super Bug?

When Ms Bentley died in 2017, her body was donated to research, as had been that of her husband, Jim, a dozen years earlier.

But when students from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) used the elderly lady’s cadaver to experiment with as part of a routine anatomy class, they discovered she was anything but normal. Indeed, they found she had suffered from the very rare condition of situs inversus.
3 heart in the right place Do you have Situs Inversus or some other Invertus Super Bug?

This arrangement, present in just one in fifty million adults, leaves people with their liver, stomach and other abdominal organs transposed right to left. In Ms Bentley’s case, her heart remained on the left side of her chest.

“I knew something was up, but it took us a while to figure out how she was put together,” Cam Walker, an assistant professor of anatomy in the OHSU

article from Daily Mail UK, today.

Recently, I took this photo of a bit of grass growing in a busy plaza in Cuenca, Ecuador.

Quote: "I got on the wrong bus, but then I didn't know only that bus was going to the right place. My place".

Quote: "You can do it: find the face of God, not dependent on religions or conversions because it's in You. God is nearer to you than your own heart, your own soul. Now, don't let anything take you off that image...keep it in focus. You can do that." composite quotes, Rumi

more quotes from Rumi:

grass grows plaza Cuenca Ecuador Calle Larga

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