

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Lynchings and Stars

Again, you have to look hard to find those points of light, the Stars in the Sky.

Today's news is not just today's news, it's a metaphor, a sign of the Dark Disordered (both dangerous Narcissistic Personality Disordered and daily next door Psychopaths and Psychopath Politicians defined at:

1. Trump, our own president has called in his own words:

  • Africa, Haiti, and other places "shitholes"
  • Mexico a shithole of rapists

This is the devaluation philosophy and propaganda method of the Dark Disordered, and it uses Gaslighting, spinning a con they are of no value.

It's very interesting: others see these countries are incredible resources:

  • art, music, culture, jewelry, language
  • people
  • labor
  • consumers to buy any world product or manufacture it

2. Coopting of others, including women in fear, vulnerable, not knowing their voice

Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

2 US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

3. US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

4. US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":  pix 6

When a Dark Disorder uses Gaslighting to Coopt another:
a. Good people can sell out
b. they use direct threats or Gaslighting (conning, mixing up the facts, reverse attack and humiliation attacks) to cause or force (someone or something) to become part of your group, movement, etc. : to use or take control of (something) for your own purposes.

7. US lynchings occurred to 1950's,  Those Gaslighted, Conned by Propaganda, and Coopted, what do they look like? Sometimes it's true fear, emptiness, or confusion. Sometimes it's "happy to go along with it all, the party n' such":

Is Melania Trump in a vulnerable situation? Just look for that confirmation on her dulled facial expressions. What is the threat? Ruin, poverty, have Dark Disorder ever murdered to get rid of? 
Yes, all of these, and more, and all the time. The Gaslighter's mental chess game, AI, is always switched ON to out-maneuver and defeat others. 

What are today's clouds and points of light?

In addition to the words of Trump, and coopting of all close to him and propaganda of Narcissism, other countries meet their own Gaslighters:

Brazil, a country lost in a quagmire of corruption and Gaslighters, picks another Narcissist and Psychopath to move forward in Presidential elections. Bolsnaro has already shown he:

a. is religio-centric, biased, and contrary to the nations larger religious populations: Catholic and Afro-Brazilian and Spiritist: he's Evangelical Protestant. 

b. he has a track record of outlandish comments and threats against women and gays, including killing them

c. he shows here his view of the elderly vulnerable: will refuse to address national pension issues

d. his associates are being revealed as corrupt.

Will he win the presidency? At 49% now and following a "resurrection like murder attempt and fatal injuries", and in a country desperate for any change when their worker parties failed them with all being corrupt: YES

Will I blame the Brazilians, including my friends there? No, we just did this with Trump, and still, few will stand up to the I, ME MY and Not You. 

In addition to the words of Trump, and coopting of all close to him and propaganda of Narcissism, other countries meet their own Gaslighters:    Brazil, a country lost in a quagmire of corruption and Gaslighters, picks another Narcissist and Psychopath to move forward in Presidential elections. Bolsnaro has already shown he:    a. is religio-centric, biased, and contrary to the nations larger religious populations: Catholic and Afro-Brazilian and Spiritist: he's Evangelical Protestant.
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2 In addition to the words of Trump, and coopting of all close to him and propaganda of Narcissism, other countries meet their own Gaslighters:    Brazil, a country lost in a quagmire of corruption and Gaslighters, picks another Narcissist and Psychopath to move forward in Presidential elections. Bolsnaro has already shown he:    a. is religio-centric, biased, and contrary to the nations larger religious populations: Catholic and Afro-Brazilian and Spiritist: he's Evangelical Protestant.

3 environmental fines to be cut: bolsnaro brazil brasil

7. In addition to the words of Trump, and coopting of all close to him and propaganda of Narcissism, other countries meet their own Gaslighters:    Brazil, a country lost in a quagmire of corruption and Gaslighters, picks another Narcissist and Psychopath to move forward in Presidential elections. Bolsnaro has already shown he:    a. is religio-centric, biased, and contrary to the nations larger religious populations: Catholic and Afro-Brazilian and Spiritist: he's Evangelical Protestant.

8. In addition to the words of Trump, and coopting of all close to him and propaganda of Narcissism, other countries meet their own Gaslighters:    Brazil, a country lost in a quagmire of corruption and Gaslighters, picks another Narcissist and Psychopath to move forward in Presidential elections. Bolsnaro has already shown he:    a. is religio-centric, biased, and contrary to the nations larger religious populations: Catholic and Afro-Brazilian and Spiritist: he's Evangelical Protestant.

Are there any Stars in the Sky to be seen? Look.

1. Humor has blasted Melania's Nazi like wear in "shit hole" Africa. Yes, she's a vulnerable but coopted woman. Melania, didn't you read any of Grimm's Fairy Tales? Break out of the Enchantment

Humor has confronted that garb in memes:

Are there any Stars in the Sky to be seen? Look.      1. Humor has blasted Melania's Nazi like wear in "shit hole" Africa. Yes, she's a vulnerable but coopted woman. Melania, didn't you read any of Grimm's Fairy Tales? Break out of the Enchantment    Humor has confronted that garb in memes:

20 memes: sometimes humor and parody is all that there is to stand up to Gaslighers and Coopteds

navy man photos and tweets: Family turns awkward '#HimToo' tweet into something good

2. One man stands for his feminist views against his GOP mother:

Navy man stands up to mother's use of his photos, and says he's a feminist:

3. The Lynchings memorial has throngs of visitors in just 6 months of being opened to the public. 

 3. The Lynchings memorial has throngs of visitors in just 6 months of being opened to the public.

2  3. The Lynchings memorial has throngs of visitors in just 6 months of being opened to the public.

 3. The Lynchings memorial has throngs of visitors in just 6 months of being opened to the public.  2

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