

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What is the key to ending social psychopathy? What are political gaslighters?

This clip of Stephen Colbert's show may have topics you have no interest in, but it's a good demo of using Critical Thinking to Counter Propaganda.

Guiliani was chosen by Trump to provide media disinformation, propaganda. And, here is Colbert and other reporters walking back through the propaganda story.

What is this story? It begins with many small pieces, then gets rolled into a new MYTHIC STORY of the lie. See future articles on the development of the Mythic Story (and, to not miss these, if you sign up for new articles by email, your email address will be kept encrypted by Google, the articles sent to you, and we won't even see your email won't be used for any junk either).

What frees one or a group from the veil, or enchantment of the con? Oddly, it's simply. It's so simple that it's almost unbelievable:

for extensive articles on

  1. Enchantment of the Mind
  2. being Hypnotized
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. being conned
  5. when truth is being veiled by a psychopath
  6. Propaganda: 100 definitions you need to know
Critical thinking: several short videos to understand this

see cloud archive #2 at the bottom of this page:

Feel free to pass on this meme:

The KEY to one's or another person's freedom from bias, memsmer,  enchantment, hypnotism and con  is to know or TELL the Other of the Propaganda being USED.               This single key also ends group's and  organization's hate, bias, and genocide  tendency miraculously and rapidly. See:

The KEY to one's or another person's
freedom from bias, memsmer,
enchantment, hypnotism and con
is to know or TELL the Other
of the Propaganda being USED.

The KEY to one's or another person's freedom from bias, memsmer,  enchantment, hypnotism and con  is to know or TELL the Other of the Propaganda being USED.               This single key also ends group's and  organization's hate, bias, and genocide  tendency miraculously and rapidly. See:

This single key also ends group's and
organization's hate, bias, and genocide
tendency miraculously and rapidly.

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