Takers / Bullies of the innocent, causing PTSD in childhood & lifelong adulthood victim roles. Being a victim / having PTSD is not a choice but accident causing damaged dulled awareness to cons and abuse. Hope exists viewing the victimization / brain damage as ever present / lifelong, managing PTSD symptom reduction, increasing consciousness / reducing stress: taking your life back. Charles K. Bunch, Phd., author 50 books at Amazon.com and retired clinical therapist.
Contrasts: Khashoggie and a Cat, Time and Al Jazeera Threatened
Sometimes I like some mind memes to help remember how to find the dangerous Narcissists and Psychopaths:
What's missing in this picture?
What is in the picture that is out of the ordinary?
What are the Contrasts?
How is this one not like the others:
the child Sesame Street Game: "one of these is not like the others"
We come across these as children, but need to bring these forward into adulthood:
they are the basis for
detecting criminals
the basis of forensics, forensic science, and really, define what science is: keen observation
the basis for critical thinking
the basis for not being naive, being personally safe when a small percent of the population may take advantage of you or kill you with no empathy: a small percentage, but ever present as you brush up against them in all settings:
I've been watching lately:
some world news on Khashoggi, and have watched documentaries on Saudi Arabia and 80 years of the US backing of Saudi Arabia.
Khashoggi was seen as a threat. What does this cat think? What is the contrast?
This week to be observed:
Al Jazeera News: Saudi Arabia threatened to blow up the news center in Doha in reaction to reporting on the UN's Opinion of the Khashoggi murder and dissection of the body. The UN reported that there is a link of the murder to the Crown Prince of Saudi of Saudi Arabia, but that the UN does not have in it's charter an ability to investigate and fully report world crimes: so far it's not what they do, but that could change in the future if their "charter" (Constitution and mandate) change. The Al Jazeera, online streams, staff are defensive, reactive, frightened.....and overdoing the reactive response: first half hour of some news has been on this or about SA. They truly are threatened: history has shown the US has backed Saudi Arabia in it's conquest of Arabia and bad boy wars in Yemen. Congress just blocked 100 billion in arms sales. I have to get info on Kashoggie murder in Turkey from foreign news, as all sides of the issue don't play here in the US. Why?
Because of this, Saudi Arabia is backing and investing in North Africa countries, with our backing. El Esis, pres of Egypt, is likely one of the most evil persons of our time: blatant murderer,
It is the human shadow of "human shadow":
shadow psychopaths
creating marginalized people in the shadows, cheated
then conflict arises of the two parties: those killing, and those tired of being killed.
And, Turkey and Kashoggie: Turkey has history and shadows thousands of years old, deep, dark and light......would take volumes or a library to hold the info.
As a "contrast" in the world, and a very different setting from above, here is a video on cultural exchange of German and Mumbai musicians for the Beethoven Festival.
curiosity of cultures
music festivals can be past the US borders, and even more:
"international exchange " is valuable
Synonyms for Contrast:
What "contrasts" do you see?
Why is this exchange not common in the US, and valued?
Is there history, shadow, or cultural values (US Identity values) that preempt this connection with other countries, groups, even if just a few musicians?
I wonder: had this "collaboration" tried to emerge in the US, but then has been stifled by things such as the Vietnam War, Isolationism, a sort of country Narcissism, or what???
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