

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Is Narcissistic Legal Immunity a Regressed Fantasy?

This is a post from out Traveler's blog, and includes important information on Narcissistic Entitlement and Legal Immunity Fantasy:

Here's a mix  of topics for travelers and expats for November. Enjoy:

1.  Kiwi Airlines* puts out a controversial safety video: some think it's distracting from the message:

(*Air New Zealand)


But, anything will be hard to pass up with their Hobbit Video of 4 years ago....

Still, our hats are off to Kiwi for making travel and learning about safety Fun. Why not start off a flight with a laugh instead of travel fears?


2. Scams and crime abound in the world. I think you're not safe anywhere, it you're a person seeking absolute just might die from the number 1 killer in the US: accidental deaths.

But, we do have
US Travel Advisories or known danger zones
and Travel Scam and Danger videos for most travel places and situations.

It helps to know about scams and cons. This video is a good intro, and it's about Mexico. But, I've come across these methods being used in the US. At a weekend craft booth I had, 3 teens used various distraction methods they'd perfected:
bump the table and make a mess, one person apologizes and other two steal
look innocent: house wives and kids look innocent
distract with questions while others steal you blind
make a complex financial transaction for little and use as distraction
putting things up sleeves
literally filling shoulder bags with goods, and if caught, a legal excuse is "I am going to pay for it".

I find scams and cons overseas knowable, and not fully preventable. But, I find those narcissistic, criminal, and psychopathic bully types in the US much worse: there is more mental damage from being bullied and psychologically gaslighted than a straightforward theft or crime. This is because you "can wrap your head around the theft" where the gaslighting has confusion and self-blame elements that hinder making sense of the event and moving on.

Another scam or more an attitude is the attitude of "I have legal immunity" of the scam, con, narcissist personality disorder. This is called "narcissistic immunity" where a person feels they have some sort of entitlement to take, but also feel they have legal immunity: this person has many methods to get out of arrest or conviction, by merely conveying an innocent or deserving attitude:
makes a scene with police
begins horrendous blame game (see on our Gaslighter Attackers blog the topic: humiliation attackers and humiliation bullies). They can shame an Innocent craft seller at the Embroidery Fest to back down on any confrontation or call for police.....and even doubt the theft and the humiliation attack ever occurred. They can get a person so into their own shame, guilt, life failures, blame, and personal issues that the theft and thief are not the focus anymore. The person is spinning inside their mind.

Any traveler's thief has Narcissistic Entitlement to your goodies.
Narcissists and Psychopaths feel they have Narcissistic Immunity, some magical protection, from being arrested, charged, etc.

How does this fantasy or belief that I'm Immune from Legal arrest or prosecution with Narcissists and Psychopaths play out?
One would guess that if there were 100 average persons stopped for speeding and 100 Narcissists stopped for speeding, that
1 of 10 average persons would make a scene, or con themselves out of the situation whereas
10 of 10 Narcissists would believe they are immune from the ticket and would con, or even flee the seen of a traffic speeding stop!  Who flees simple stops: narcissists who feel they'll escape the ticket or arrest. Perhaps this though and action is related to the age regressed fantasy life of the 16 or 17 year old that is the root for this.

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