

Friday, October 26, 2018

Then He became a Ghost

As I sat in a café on an icy, January afternoon, I wondered idly whether my friend would greet me with a hug or a slap on the face.

The last time I’d seen Jess*, we’d bumped into each other at a mutual friend’s birthday several years ago. We’d had an awkward conversation about how we "really should meet up". It was a strange thing to say to someone who had, at one point, been my best friend.

She hadn’t moved country. I hadn’t lost her number.

We hadn’t seen each other because I’d ghosted my best friend.

Ghosting – when someone cuts you out of his or her life without explanation – is a phenomenon normally associated with dating. But with people increasingly moving their communication from IRL to behind a screen, this cold behaviour has become fairly common. A 2016 study revealed that, of the 1,300 participants, 25% had ghosted people and 20% had been ghosted themselves.

See the full article at:

BBC: full ghosting article, click hereGhosting – when someone cuts you out of his or her life without explanation – is a phenomenon normally associated with dating. But with people increasingly moving their communication from IRL to behind a screen, this cold behaviour has become fairly common. A 2016 study revealed that, of the 1,300 participants, 25% had ghosted people and 20% had been ghosted themselves.

2  Ghosting – when someone cuts you out of his or her life without explanation – is a phenomenon normally associated with dating. But with people increasingly moving their communication from IRL to behind a screen, this cold behaviour has become fairly common. A 2016 study revealed that, of the 1,300 participants, 25% had ghosted people and 20% had been ghosted themselves.

3. Ghosting – when someone cuts you out of his or her life without explanation – is a phenomenon normally associated with dating. But with people increasingly moving their communication from IRL to behind a screen, this cold behaviour has become fairly common. A 2016 study revealed that, of the 1,300 participants, 25% had ghosted people and 20% had been ghosted themselves.

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