

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How can the victim become so confused??? Unvalidated Trauma PTSD

There are two major influences to the confusion of victim:

1. the Gaslighter uses methods causing confusion

2. the Brain can't recover from that mental trauma without Validation, and rolls into endless confusion, self doubt, lack of clarity, and obsession.

The Brain has damage we can see in brain scans: regions that formerly were communicating with one another can no longer do that. It's like a soccer team all playing on different soccer fields:
they can't rely on each other to solve the problem, get clear, think it through, or end the abuse.

The victim doesn't want this, certainly, this it the PTSD of Gaslight abuse, where trauma is not validate.

And, yes, being Gaslighted IS trauma to the brain causing this PTSD, just as much as any crisis or disaster is traumatizing!
The Brain has damage we can see in brain scans: regions that formerly were communicating with one another can no longer do that. It's like a soccer team all playing on different soccer fields:  they can't rely on each other to solve the problem, get clear, think it through, or end the abuse.     The victim doesn't want this, certainly, this it the PTSD of Gaslight abuse, where trauma is not validate.     And, yes, being Gaslighted IS trauma to the brain causing this PTSD, just as much as any crisis or disaster is traumatizing!

The Brain has damage we can see in brain scans: regions that formerly were communicating with one another can no longer do that. It's like a soccer team all playing on different soccer fields:  they can't rely on each other to solve the problem, get clear, think it through, or end the abuse.     The victim doesn't want this, certainly, this it the PTSD of Gaslight abuse, where trauma is not validate.     And, yes, being Gaslighted IS trauma to the brain causing this PTSD, just as much as any crisis or disaster is traumatizing!

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