

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Where is our Rescue When Our Own Mind Tricks US?

This is an important topic in the movie Gaslight. But, the rescue portion of this movie is not drawn out like so many stories or videos. In many epic monster movies, like Pacific Rim, most of the story is about "rescue".  Perhaps the rescue or resolution phase of this story is extended because of several factors:

When will rescue come? When well we throw our inner self a lifeline?
When will rescue come? When well we throw our inner self a lifeline? 

1. we may not believe "it" is happening to us
2. there is conning involved, and our mind, and our brain are tricking us with the information also.
3. the Gaslighter continues, before resolution, and even after: they never give up on the con, nor do they admit to the vile process or crimes unless they're the type seeking attention for crimes, like many of the Serial Killer Psychopaths.

This creates the complex of confusion, status, or most times: decline, loss of headway or progress, move into Post Trauma Stress Disorder and it's complex of brain and body decline cascades.

It's summer 2018 in writing this, and the spring of this year saw an abundance of new information on the brain's propensity to be fooled. There had been a smattering of good books describing this problem 10 years ago, and 20 years ago. But, this year saw new bits and pieces of real research, most from Europe, providing support for a whole field and understanding of the problem:
Our Mind is made to trick us.

Really, this mental foolery is part of many protective and intelligence operations our mind and that of animals does:
A. I have a routine of play with my cat where I start at point A with a mouse, and end up at B. My are amazing predictors of the outcome of some action. Soon, a paw is outstretched, and a faux bird or mouse is ensnared without a blink of an eye.
B. Cats were found in 2018 to have a portion of their brain dedicated to the prediction of the size of small prey or large foe by the sound and vibration emanating from that animal. A small mouse might rattle some grass, but have a tiny noise footprint. The cat brain sees this as a mouse based on their specialized brain.

But, what if in A, the mouse is actually an origami type piece that somehow I can make disappear?  The cat will still, until frustrated many times, go to point P, claws opened and ready to catch the toy.

And, in B: what if the sound was not in nature, and in the human world, where sounds are distorted or amplified? When the UPS man arrives, the cats have hidden. This is different than other persons arriving at my apartment door, but cause the UPS man has to chug up wood stairs with weighted packages, and that sound is amplified. The cats "here and interpret" that this is an elephant coming, when it's really not.

I have a cat, Sis, who's great at collecting insects that invade our home. But, when a moth flutters in that slow and noisy flitting large moths do, she gets pulled in. The noise is greater than the size of the actual moth. But, moth's too look bigger than their actual bodies, which could be protective.

Sis is incredible at this, but then the moth's do what they do best: blend in and be still for hours or a day. This lack of noise and camouflaging foils the cat system: often the moth wins out, just to be found by me a few months later, dried up.   Gaslighters are these moths: there seems to be a trail, but nature's chameleons with out. Nature's moths that can blend in with a tree's bark with out over predator's most times.

Perhaps we could see the inner selves, inner function, or inner heroes as metaphoric characters like the 3 Stooges: in always trying to help they always create a grand mess

Perhaps we could see the inner selves, inner function, or inner heroes as metaphoric characters like the 3 Stooges: in always trying to help they always create a grand mess
Perhaps we could see the inner selves, inner function, or inner heroes as metaphoric characters like the 3 Stooges: in always trying to help they always create a grand mess

Perhaps we could see the inner selves, inner function, or inner heroes as metaphoric characters like the 3 Stooges: in always trying to help they always create a grand mess
Here, let me help you with that Gaslighter there, telling you that you're crazy.
(the Inner Selves, helpful or not. Concepts developed in two fields: psychosynthesis of 100 years ago, and Archetypal Psychology of the last 50 years)

The human mind has many such protections. Our mind and brain are trying to protect us in the best way it can, and unfortunately, filtering out dangers is one way to not go insane from information overload.

These below are all extremely common to all persons.

*A. One Reaches a point of "no longer able to see the threat" because it seems ordinary: point of desensitization. Typically we should be able to "see" threats: we are aware of them.
We can see threats, and ignore them (kids these days have a shocking abundance of movies where heroes and heroines are smocking cigarettes, as a part of cool, in group, or edginess in a dark movie).  Ignored is information they're blasted with daily at school and in tv counter-smoking advertisements.
We can see threats, but are desensitized to them: we drive fast or text while driving, sharp or hot objects in a baby's house are ignored as "common place" in our mind.

*B. Makes up Threats:
Our mind can go incredibly sour, and take on negative perspectives. Please see the article on the Gnome of the Mind.
Our mind under many situations can see only the negative, and take on a despairing and hopeless perspective. One quits when hundreds of things are going right, or one is about to change their larger or smaller communities..... But, like dark old Eeyore in the Milne' Pooh stories, "It's a gloomy world, why bother".

*C. Doesn't even see threats.

Ignores Ordinary Dangers:
Something seems so normal, that we forget it's dangerous. Daily, I can see at least 2 very young women, and 1 middle or older age woman texting in their car, despite both laws and ghastly TV crash stories. Our mind seeks to help us with information overload. We have to filter out so much information daily as our minds would never comprehend it. Scientists have found our human focus on real issues is pretty limited: we filter out 99% of the flood of information around it. We can't blame this on the age we live in, blaming it on the information age overload. The human mind has always had to operate this way: the brain is incredible, but not incredible enough to process most of what is around us. Hey, we're just ONE, not a super computer.
Ignores Known Serious Dangers:
The mind eliminates known threats we're desensitized to: a child comes back into the periphery of a molester, and having been desensitized to that through past history will ignore a current one: a person again coming up to them offering candy may be ignored by the desensitized.
A person taken hostage by protesters or hidden in a basement by a sexual deviant may eventually identify with, align with, and support the criminal.

And, as mentioned often here:
*D. Believes what is conned to us

So, we have the con Gaslighter working us, and your brain ignores the signs. This makes it difficult to

  • know the problem
  • fully comprehend the problem
  • and then to rescue our self, to throw our self a lifeline. 

The odds are already stacked against us to really help our self. We have to become as concerted in our efforts of self rescue as the metaphor of the Thai rescue of 18 boys in a cave. We have to "overdo" this process of not "seeing" the threat to then really become aware of the threat. More on this later.

Thailand: momumental effort to rescue 18 boys is a metaphor for self-rescue
Thailand: monumental effort to rescue 18 boys is a metaphor for self-rescue

what you seek is seeking you. rumi

The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our
self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows suffering, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B

The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
At some time, it becomes part of our daily awareness, preventative, attractive, welcome, a bastion, a message, a hope

waves crash: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
This is my job.

sunset: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
constant, has symbolic white light. Reminds, warns, guides

nothing to see here: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
something is missing here, Leslie

east coast: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
a part of our "landscape" or our "features"

serene serenity: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
Protects your valuables, worth, story, life. Is the guardian to the port or shipping lane

perpetual waves of PTSD on lighthouse: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
for some with PTSD, depression, prior victims or have been bullied, alcohol and drug addicts: the barrage may be continual... and needs planned for thus

we visit: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
we like, visit, are aware of: our own inner lighthouse. It's not ignored. Even if it includes a cute pony like this one, we don't participate in the mocking of our protects. That would make us a gaslighter, bully, psychopaths

antique postal card: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B

wave barrage: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
zowie, glad you're here!!

red warning light: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
some often gaslighted need a red light of warning

dramatic waves: The metaphor's of lighthouses: when will be set our own up, and shine our  self warnings about Gaslighthers? Likely, it follows sufferring, learning, mistakes, and time for it to become integrated into our Lighthouse of the Soul. Dr. B
the waves engulf and fully test the lighthouse: that is their nature. That is the nature of the Gaslighter too. 

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