Takers / Bullies of the innocent, causing PTSD in childhood & lifelong adulthood victim roles. Being a victim / having PTSD is not a choice but accident causing damaged dulled awareness to cons and abuse. Hope exists viewing the victimization / brain damage as ever present / lifelong, managing PTSD symptom reduction, increasing consciousness / reducing stress: taking your life back. Charles K. Bunch, Phd., author 50 books at Amazon.com and retired clinical therapist.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Secret Sex, part of the Gaslighter's life? You decide.
Dog Poop on Your Lawn? Gaslighters Maligning Peace and Collaboration
How is the propaganda of the political psychopath and gaslighter both:
a con
and a dog pooping on something you value?
We've lost touch with our own historical projects of Peace Corps, and connections with peoples projects run by our State Department (managed by US Embassies and Consulates worldwide......but disappearing fast).
For more info on War Against You, see our older blog with archived articles by topic, and books on War Against You: Trump:
How was Peace maligned, who discounted US peace initiatives including work by US Consulates, Embassies, the Peace Corps, and the UN????
Ignoring or Pooing on a concept, a cherished one:
Peace Corps:
eco, wells:
forgiveness of student loans by service:
forgiveness of student loans by non-profits and NGOs:
Being overly nice to Gaslighters gets you disrespected and shat upon. This "I'll only take the high road", is ok with normal people but not gaslighters and their mental conned zombies:
Because of this, other methods must be used, those that are not the high road or low road, but a direct treatment of the problem: stopping
Monday, December 24, 2018
It's 10 O'Clock. Where is your President?
It's 10 O'Clock. Where is your President?
![]() |
What world issues are ignored by your leaders, where compassion goes beyond platitudes and cons? |
Beware, an event planned with cameras, fine clothes and speeches is not one of the above: that's the con in action. That is fake compassion.
How to tell a political psychopath from a compassionate leader:
Here are 15 tools: Several books point out how to detect psychopaths in our midst: they're everywhere and there are perhaps 1 in 10 around you that are dangerous narcissists. Here are other stats of how many narcissists are also psychopathic takers (having traits of anti-social personality disorder, take from any, and lack compassion in their person and actually lack that feature in their brains. Percentage of persons that likely have common psychopathic disorder and pose short term and long term danger to you and others (they actually don't get "better" but become worse over time:
15 books on how to tell psychopaths from others: including a "field guide" and book of their methods and strategies.
- attorneys: 40% of them
- police officers that needed weeded out at the git go: 15% (and, that also says 85% are great, the others though, are bad seeds)
- common criminals, breaking and enter types with repeated offenses: 60%
- general population of prisoners: 70%
- population of prisoners with repeat offenses: 90%
- car salesmen: people who sell and hide fees, and feel justified taking from others: 40%
- cons, grifters, repeated cheats: 90%
- mass killers, serial killers, sado-masochists: 100%
And, there are those who become this by life events, brain damage, depression, inherited features. There are those who have degrees of "culturally taught narcissism, crime, and psychopathy. This happens all over, and next door to you, but one example we might understand: persons following other dictators or corrupt leaders fall into that line, and take money and bribes, And, their personality changes, but also that feature in the mind of understanding and compassion is changed forever: lessened. For short videos on this, see:
the tab at
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Taking a stand, or being the trickster laying down?
These are so iconic: see them all:
Women protesters worldwide in photos and all their power, energy, and alt skill:
Fake Facebook Profiles are Gaslighters. Here's how to detect and stop.
Have a favorite screen shot of a fake Facebook profile? Send it to our Facebook account, link on side.
They are creating fake accounts to:
get your money through cons like the Nigerian Love Scam
get your Likes and more boosting power to their profile so they can complete some other scam (like the Political fakes of 2016 where information is boosted to sway a vote/purchase/unrest/political smear campaign
get your Likes and more boosting power to their profile so that their profile is eventually sold to another party: for instance, a profile can be built then sold on the Dark Web to any rapper worldwide who is seeking to boost their business
And, of course, there are other uses of fake profiles:
bullies may enjoy the mind game and abuse
pedophiles or other criminals may be seeking victims
home break and entry thieves may find out when you're on vacation and if you have security cams, valuables, and more info
They can look legit, important, real, or sexy......a gaslighter is adaptable, and the person with many disguises and "online makeup skill" of any brilliant actor.
Some that look like prostitutes are prostitutes. But, some are just scammers in other countries seeking $ through conning you. This is a historical throwback to their use of fake photos and info on internet personals scammers, not updated to Facebook.
How do I spot a fake Facebook profile?
see this article with the instructional pix at:
(thank you Spamfighter)
There are definately a lot of fake Facebook profiles out there. Numbers released from Facebook themself suggests that 83 million facebook accounts are fake – that’s more than the total number of people living in France and the Netherlands combined! An estimated 5-6% of all Facebook accounts are fake. Fake autogenerated profiles offer the creators of those the possibility of spamming your wall with weird content and also bloat the number of fans for certain pages.
There are some studies of fake Facebook profiles that indicate that fake profiles have a higher average number of friends and most often identify themselves as females. For identifying whether a specific profile is fake these studies however only offer vague clues.
So how to spot a fake Facebook profile?
Looking at a company Facebook page the other day I noticed an unnatural high number of fans for that type of company but strangely very low fan activity on the same Facebook page. Very few likes and no comments made it a bit of a strange case. I did find a few Likes though and decided to have a closer look at those profiles. I came up with the following little trick which also will introduce you to a great and not that well-known feature of Google. Here goes:
1. Locate the Profile image of the Facebook profile you want to check. For this little test let’s use the SPAMfighter Aim logo present on the SPAMfighter Facebook page.
2. Right-click on the image and save it somewhere where you easily can find it again! The Windows desktop would be a great place!
3. Now enter Google Image Search. Google Image Search is a great tool where you can search for images based on other images. I would suggest using Google Chrome or Firefox as Browser here. For some reason it does not seem to work for Internet Explorer 9.
4. Drag the recently saved file from your desktop til the search field. It is a little nifty but you will probably work it out!
Google image search
5. Now Google Image Search will check where the image is present on Facebook profiles and a lot of other places on the Internet.
If we for a moment return to my original fake profile my search using the above method actually produced a lot of Facebook profiles having the same profile image. See below. My best guess is that most of those Facebook profiles are fake!
Remember to delete any profile images you download from Facebook by the way. Pretty sure Facebook or Facebook users don’t want their profile images laying around on your computer!
Are anyone stealing your Facebook profile image?
A nice little test would of cource be to test whether any fake Facebook profiles use your profile image? Using the test above it is pretty easy to reveal. So locate your own Facebook page, save the profile image you use and do the Google image search. If you notice your profile image prese .......see link above for more.
Several books on love scammers and other online gaslighters at Amazon.com
there, you'll find info to detect your daily fake profiles and Gaslighters as Facebook Scammers
- Zen Dating, which also tells how to detect the Trash Fish: Gaslighters,
- and, Vampires is for all persons and includes specific con info, for both gay, straight, and trans persons!
Saturday, December 8, 2018
The Evil Clown of Death in Mythology
Krampus and Wendigo Windigo:
For more on evil clowns, click on books above or here, for the mythology of the evil clown:
Krampus and Windigo
I studied this tradition of the winter monster from many cultural views: a common mythological creature, symbolic of death taking life, and an ancient reminder of fear for children to not wander off from their homes or you risk winter's death. In native American views, this was called Windigo or Wendego..... This creature was common myth of cold climates of the extreme areas of frozen north and southern hemispheres (indigenous Argentina, perhaps other world areas that were warm but had high altitude cold areas). The monster had to have fearful features to get attention....fear is at a gut level. Wendego was a warning to all Native Americans: be like the ant and prepare for winter at all times.....or it was likely you'll die. These fears were common, and life saving as well as fear of knives or sharp objects (humans lived before antibiotics where a cut could kill), fear of heights, fear of dark where there were monsters or the bogeyman. Other mythic fears included the fear of other humans that would take from you: vampires who were cons, evil dictators and pirates, sirens and mermaids who were similar to cons and would eat you, and werewolves (likely these were relatives who would take or kill from other relatives: they'd have one nice character and one evil character, and they were in history, and in our own times a real threat to family members.
video: making the Krampus mask, Europe
and, some pix of Wendego on Pinterest:
see also in our books on monsters, vampires, and other creatures:
The myth of the clown is rooted in "jack frost", a mythical winter creature with frost bitten rotting nose, what was also a Krampus winter creature out to kill and eat you!
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Is Narcissistic Legal Immunity a Regressed Fantasy?
Here's a mix of topics for travelers and expats for November. Enjoy:
1. Kiwi Airlines* puts out a controversial safety video: some think it's distracting from the message:
(*Air New Zealand)
But, anything will be hard to pass up with their Hobbit Video of 4 years ago....
Still, our hats are off to Kiwi for making travel and learning about safety Fun. Why not start off a flight with a laugh instead of travel fears?
2. Scams and crime abound in the world. I think you're not safe anywhere, it you're a person seeking absolute safety.....you just might die from the number 1 killer in the US: accidental deaths.
But, we do have
US Travel Advisories or known danger zones
and Travel Scam and Danger videos for most travel places and situations.
It helps to know about scams and cons. This video is a good intro, and it's about Mexico. But, I've come across these methods being used in the US. At a weekend craft booth I had, 3 teens used various distraction methods they'd perfected:
bump the table and make a mess, one person apologizes and other two steal
look innocent: house wives and kids look innocent
distract with questions while others steal you blind
make a complex financial transaction for little and use as distraction
putting things up sleeves
literally filling shoulder bags with goods, and if caught, a legal excuse is "I am going to pay for it".
I find scams and cons overseas knowable, and not fully preventable. But, I find those narcissistic, criminal, and psychopathic bully types in the US much worse: there is more mental damage from being bullied and psychologically gaslighted than a straightforward theft or crime. This is because you "can wrap your head around the theft" where the gaslighting has confusion and self-blame elements that hinder making sense of the event and moving on.
Another scam or more an attitude is the attitude of "I have legal immunity" of the scam, con, narcissist personality disorder. This is called "narcissistic immunity" where a person feels they have some sort of entitlement to take, but also feel they have legal immunity: this person has many methods to get out of arrest or conviction, by merely conveying an innocent or deserving attitude:
makes a scene with police
begins horrendous blame game (see on our Gaslighter Attackers blog the topic: humiliation attackers and humiliation bullies). They can shame an Innocent craft seller at the Embroidery Fest to back down on any confrontation or call for police.....and even doubt the theft and the humiliation attack ever occurred. They can get a person so into their own shame, guilt, life failures, blame, and personal issues that the theft and thief are not the focus anymore. The person is spinning inside their mind.
Any traveler's thief has Narcissistic Entitlement to your goodies.
Narcissists and Psychopaths feel they have Narcissistic Immunity, some magical protection, from being arrested, charged, etc.
How does this fantasy or belief that I'm Immune from Legal arrest or prosecution with Narcissists and Psychopaths play out?
One would guess that if there were 100 average persons stopped for speeding and 100 Narcissists stopped for speeding, that
1 of 10 average persons would make a scene, or con themselves out of the situation whereas
10 of 10 Narcissists would believe they are immune from the ticket and would con, or even flee the seen of a traffic speeding stop! Who flees simple stops: narcissists who feel they'll escape the ticket or arrest. Perhaps this though and action is related to the age regressed fantasy life of the 16 or 17 year old that is the root for this.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Gaslighter Political Psychopaths: What is the Super Brain Highway of their Worldview?
Why is it that the psychopath sees some things so clearly, yet, anything else in life is really not noticed?
They are focused, like a Super Highway: seeing only one thing or direction, and all other side info, actually 99% of life, is ignored or by the brain not noticed: not really even seen!
There are things they just don't see, which is greatly influenced by their brain. Anything off to the side, actually the whole rest of life, is not noticed or seen, in this metaphor, the mountains, nature, ecology, animals, people, small towns that may end up dying off. They see only their chess match or killer video game:
Question: why is the actions and thoughts of the gaslighter so polarized?
Answer: as psychopaths and pathological narcissists progress over their lifetime, their own life becomes very polarized in many ways:
a. interests become polarized
b. beliefs and thoughts become polarized
c. and ultimately, the actual function of the brain becomes polarized: areas dedicated to the "killer video game" or killer chess match (in other articles here, on Harry Potter killer chess match), become more distinct, active, and even viewable on brain scans as more active. More thoughts become dedicated to the gamesmanship of the killer video game. This becomes a part of the brains development over even decades of a persons life: any thought, feeling or experience becomes "highwayed" or super pathwayed to the "killer video game". That means:
the psychopath's thought life is all related to the killer video game
all experiences and current and future actions are related to that
life becomes only the planning and refining of the killer video game
and, there are pretty bad outcomes of this:
a. seeking leadership to accomplish the outcomes of winning the killer video game is sought by most by shy, introverted, and agoraphobic psychopaths: most need a public office of power to accomplish the video game win. It could be a very public office such as President Trump or any political psychopath worldwide, including Bolsnaro called the "president and new Hitler of Brazil", and now actually an active friend of Donald Trump based on his win, and their phone contact and mutual adoration.
Gaslighter Political Psychopaths: What is the Super Brain Highway of their Worldview?
Example 1: There's a hurricane, but then your citizenship fails you with aid: news: Trump fails in visit to Puerto Rico and aid there, and denies deaths from hurricane
Trump visits white victims of hurricane on US Mainland, aid and recovery was planned days in advance, and the disaster fully mitigated
2. a president is asleep at the wheel, when weekly mass shootings terrify and kill:
Example, yesterday's shooting killing 12 in Thousand Oaks, California:
The President may send out tons of sympathy messages, but those serve only his own image. All is self-serving for the psychopath.
3. You're aware of something others ignore, but they still ignore it as corroborated news stacks up:
The BBC reports today that the total number of invertebrate animals gone, destroyed, worldwide totals 60% on average per species. This is over 20 years, and not even a report of species now extinct, which is reported at 15 species per week. That means: 60% less Green Hummingbirds, 60% less cow poop flies, and so on. While it may seem insignificant, less quantity of animals, plants, bacteria, and fungus means less livability for humans in the future: apocalypse.
This super charged though and personality: it actually is the World View of the Psychopath and that makes them very dangerous to all others not in subjugation.
a. send sympathy messages that show you as a compassionate person: it really serves "me" to do so
b. get back to the killer video game fast
We've often written in blogs on Psychopaths, Narcissists, and the Environment and the problem is, if you think it could never happen to you....
You're next
Friday, October 26, 2018
Then He became a Ghost
The last time I’d seen Jess*, we’d bumped into each other at a mutual friend’s birthday several years ago. We’d had an awkward conversation about how we "really should meet up". It was a strange thing to say to someone who had, at one point, been my best friend.
She hadn’t moved country. I hadn’t lost her number.
We hadn’t seen each other because I’d ghosted my best friend.
Ghosting – when someone cuts you out of his or her life without explanation – is a phenomenon normally associated with dating. But with people increasingly moving their communication from IRL to behind a screen, this cold behaviour has become fairly common. A 2016 study revealed that, of the 1,300 participants, 25% had ghosted people and 20% had been ghosted themselves.
See the full article at:
BBC: full ghosting article, click here

Fragmentation of the Soul: Death by a Thousand Cuts
- fragment you
- split you apart from your resources, senses
- confuse with a thousand little comments: you're crazy
BREAKING DOWN 'Death By A Thousand Cuts'
This figure of speech refers to the idea that while a single small cut may not be not fatal, the cumulative effect of many of them could cause a person to bleed to death. The term is derived from an ancient form of torture in which the condemned person was subjected to a number of minor wounds until the accumulation of damage became fatal.
Death By A Thousand Cuts
DEFINITION of 'Death By A Thousand Cuts'
Death by a thousand cuts is a figure of speech that refers to a failure that occurs as a result of many small problems. Death by a thousand cuts could refer to the termination of a proposed deal as a result of several small issues rather than one major one. This term could also apply to a product or idea that is destroyed by too many minor changes.
Death By A Thousand Cuts https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/death-1000-cuts.asp#ixzz5V32eqepc
break down
cut up
pull away
Related Stories:
Fragmentation Dictates São Paulo’s 33rd Art Bienal
“Fragmentation is a fact in today’s world and it is represented in this exhibition. This (biennial) is linked to today’s social networks and its collateral effects, which makes people connect only with those who have the same interests as they, which in turn increases discrimination and intolerance,” concluded Perez-Barreiro.
Death by One Thousand Cuts: How the Trump Administration Is Using Rulemaking to Kill the Endangered Species Act
Friday, October 19, 2018
Let the Sun Shine In: Soleil Soleil
Try this out.
English versions of Soleil Soleil:
Want to change your mind? Here are some ways that we know work, from our blog on Aromatherapy and Jewelry:
What is the least you need to know about your own Aromatherapy?
Well, being retired as a clinical counselor, there was much contact with the use of essential oils as a mood changer of mood and thinking. We know that the nerves in the nose circumvent message controls in the brain: smells get to use the super highway into your brain and not be filtered as other body or sensory messages. This occurred through the evolution of the body: smell is another form of "seeing" like the eyes. But, since smells are less vivid and dramatic than sight and sound, all animals that rely on smell needed this circumventing of the brains "filter mechanisms".
The metaphor is: this is an urgent message and it's really subtle, so let's let this message in fast and without any restrictions!
Smell, or the olfactory nerves of our nose, are not the human's primary senses. Because of that, we tend to discount the importance of smell. But, you body was created to take this subtle message of smelling anything or nothing, and fast track it to the brain. There, the brain instantly connects that smelling to memories, thoughts, actions, and even unconscious actions:
1. smell is the one sense that can trigger floods of memories
2. smell can shift the actions in the brain: if one is stressed, a smell can trigger a shift from one portion of the brain being active to another being active. For instance, is you were stressed and focused on bad traffic, an aroma can shift thinking: your brain shifts functions from one area to another. The obsession about the traffic is stopped in it's portion of the brain, and in brain scans we see another area become active. What is that area that gets activated? It could be any other portion of the brain that might including remembering a love or preparing a good meal. But, in general, it's a major shifter: it stopped one small portion of the brain from controlling your thoughts, moods, and actions, and allows the ENTIRE brain to function. So, if we had a metaphor of say the 7 Dwarfs being these parts of our brain, Grumpy had been controlling you. But, now with the aroma shifting this, Grumpy is not exclusively in control now. The other 6 wake up and go into action, for whatever that means for each person as an individual.
These things, that we joke about or discount, as with our nose and smell can change brain function, and this is not speculation, myth, hopefulness: this is science and factual medicine. These are the things that are known to be both therapeutic and factual, though discounted by society and generally the medical field professionals (because their profession is driven by prescriptions and surgeries that they are comfortable with):
a. aroma therapy is smell: the only sense in the body that goes directly into the brain
b. music of most forms
c. music and hypnotic states: sound and listening therapies
used in the treatment of anxiety and ADD called neuralfeedback, a scientific advance on the mind and biofeedback). Let's call these hypnotic states something less than fully conscious, and includes: meditation, hypnosis, yoga, reading, binaural beat audio and light therapy, trance music such as that of the Sufi Dancers and trance music (repetitive music), classical music ((the Mozart Effect))
If you buy into that, let the comment go without stopping it, or just passively accept it, you've then tolerated the culture of Male Entitlement and Superiority, and allowed a Gaslight event to occur.....even if it's that subtle!!!!
d. creative action: creating something, writing, gardening therapy, random art and drawing, hand crafts
e. contact therapies with animals: dogs, puppies, horse equine therapy.....many animals really. Touch may be included in this, such as human touch therapies, but these have really never been defined. Still, it's say that a moment of genuine touch of unclouded intimacy can last a year
3. Smell is a different in most non-human animals, and on par with sight our sound for importance. But, for many animals, smell is King:
*dogs are known for being able so smell a single particle of smell, and blood hounds can track that for dozens of miles
*cats and other animals communicate with smell, and the subtle aroma of pheromones is as important as sight. This is also present in humans, but mostly misunderstood: both kittens and human babies put out different bonding hormones in their skin and breath that links them to their parent. The Pheromone says about the baby: you smell like a cinnamon roll, I like that, you're mine". I use Feliway Cat Pheromone to lessen the behavior of a biting feral cat: and it's ongoing use daily through a burner is the only reason Frankenstein and I are still together!!!
*snakes smell is more powerful than sight: but their nose, olfactory sensors are in their flashing tongue
Just a bit of info today on Essential Oils for Aromatherapy
1. Essential Oils have been with us for thousands of years. They are pressed in presses just as our eating oils are.
2. They have been some of the most valuable treasures humans have known, and merchants have travelled the world for these, including Frankincense and Myrrh. While some of these were bought as resins, it's the oil inside that was used to make the aromas and perfumes of old.
3. Think a bit differently about Aroma Therapy is this is new to you. The oils are not the scents of your aroma burner or bathroom spray: smelling like an apple pie or lavender blast garden might be good for your living room. But, that goal is a pleasant "cover up". Aroma therapy seeks to find those
oils that humans have been accustomed to for thousands of years and are natural and not fake or chemical. So, if you seen an aroma in the Glade section of the store, or a pile of little wax pills to burn in your wax burning candle: those are good for that, but are not the smells you want on your Aromatherapy Beads
4. Since these oils are natural they have been pressed only from plant materials:
plant stems
actual plant wood
plant resins and pitch
This makes most time limited for viability or "shelf-life". That means, after 18 months they'll age just like that olive oil or canola oil in your cupboard. The sign of this "rancid" of all natural oils is to begin to smell like WOOD. So, if there is a smell of wood or lumber to that rose petal oil you bought, it's time to toss it. Put on your aroma oil bottles the date you purchased, then figure it was likely 6 months old when you bought it (if purchased from a reputable business, otherwise, Ebay and Amazon is often a really bad clearing house for old essential oil stocks: these can arrive smelling like wood or do so in a couple of months). There are just a few exceptions to this: there are actual wood essential oil extracts. To tell if those are still fresh and usable, I like this little test:
For Wood Essential Oils: does it smell genuine, true to that wood, PLEASANT, or does it make my nose crinkle up in dislike? That works for pine wood, tropical woods, etc. I recently had a Cinnamon bark essential oil (cinnamon oils can come from leaves, bark, or wood and have different original aromas), and used it in a cake. The cake smelled like a lumber yard that woody smell. I checked the bottle, and sure enough, that bottle I got from a major organic store recently had likely sat on that shelf for a year or two. It was beyond date and usefulness, and I poured it out in the garden. That was $15.
5. the higher the quality the perfume you have, the more it has original and blended essential oils. Cheap perfume has some fake aromas developed in the 1930's by Channel. These smell good, but those with real essential oils simply cost more: with a retail price of $50 or up. That is because many essential oils are costly to produce: a ton of French Rose Petals may make an ounce of essential oil. Some essential oils cost great prices. In bottles, most sold as PURE Pharmaceutical Grade Essential Oils simply are not: there is a filler of mineral oil or vegetable oil, often with fake aromas.
You can use your own perfumes on your Essential Oil Aromatherapy Beads:
1. that nice smell will stay on those many days, so when you shower you won't lose your investment in Estee or Lancome's! You'll smell your perfume as will others.
2. Quality perfumes do last longer then the pure oils: if you invest in a perfume the life of it is a few years as the "pros" know how to do that
3. Most perfumes are clear and less oil feeling: using perfume on the aroma bead is good protection of costly clothes.
6. You can buy essential oils, and as we see from the above points, it's hard to get the real thing that is fresh. But the oils you'll use for Aromatherapy Beads needs to be blended because each on it's own is a both sharp and hollow note or smell. It's when blended that it becomes both rich and pleasant. And, in having several related oils together, the therapy role is accomplished because you have not one tool in your tool box, but several. It's a bit like this:
tasted alone:
cocoa powder
baking soda
Tasted alone, these are "hollow". But blended and cooked they make a brownie! Yum because that smells and tastes good.
Essential oils are similar.
Our site on political bullies has links to the catalog of 25 books on how to detect Gaslighters, and 25 books on healing, rebuilding your life, hope, affirmations, and more:
And, note our recipe has noxious baking soda. Yech, you don't want to taste or eat that alone. In the aromatherapy field, there are essential oils that can be really obnoxious on their own. Vetiver is one of those oils that alone is nasty, but seems to make a blend rounded.
7. We can save you time and buying books on or making errors with Essential Oil Blends. You won't have to toss ours out like your blend trials....
We have two blends now, and will to offer more based on World Essential oils:
1. Tamarack Spring Forest: a blend of pine needles and forest floral. Pleasing, awakening, calming
2. Owyhee Dessert: a blend of high dessert oriented aromas, including desert and garden herbs scents. Remember who you are, return to yourself.
3. Citrus Orient, including the waking up of citrus and the focus of spices that will not smell like foods are drinks, but more "places".
All are blended to balance the aromas, as some are very overpowering. These are all "pleasant" tested!
I've used these in clinical therapy practice for 30 years, and now as a retired therapist I write about this. Please send us any questions on topics of this article, as I respond from my background with a PhD from accredited university in Cultural and Transpersonal Therapies (transpersonal being those a, b, c, d, and e subjects above and more, and their use as treatment for stress, trauma, ADD, and all forms of POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDERS.
Best to you using your full brain, mind, and soul!!
Charles K. Bunch, PHD.
author of 50 books on mental health, PTSD, abuse recovery, and more.
Are you moving on? Leaving something, heading to something?
Book 2: extra information for the Shadow Workbook:
Here is Book One on Shadow Work:
Click here for book one at Amazon.com
All books, softcover and ebook at Amazon.com:
80 Books at Amazon.com Charles Bunch Phd
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