

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Points of Light: Cultures and History

Cultures and history can be forgotten, or they can be part of our mental Points of Light.

Here are two examples:

1.  We bring back our own culture and the cultures of others:

Edward Curtis: Was this the most ambitious photo project ever?
Edward S Curtis spent years living with Native American tribes to chronicle their lives, in what became a definitive work of vast proportions.

After taking more than 40,000 pictures over 30 years, he published the last of 20 volumes in 1930.

1.  We bring back our own culture and the cultures of others:    Edward Curtis: Was this the most ambitious photo project ever?  Edward S Curtis spent years living with Native American tribes to chronicle their lives, in what became a definitive work of vast proportions.    After taking more than 40,000 pictures over 30 years, he published the last of 20 volumes in 1930.

2. African Women: remembering them in history, 10 short BBC video vignettes:

Warrior Queens:

 2. African Women: remembering them in history, 10 short BBC video vignettes:    Warrior Queens:

 2. African Women: remembering them in history, 10 short BBC video vignettes:    Warrior Queens:

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