

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hope, lies, and despair plus "pot calls the kettle black"

A variety of public figures discuss the worldwide state of hope versus despair, and troubling Gaslighters.

Nelson Mandela honored by Obama
Graca Machel: Nelson Mandela honored by Obama

But, when will they truly stand up to Gaslighters???
Empower women: Nelson Mandela honored by Obama
Empower women: Nelson Mandela honored by Obama

While various and many Gaslighters worldwide also and backtrack, then lie some more:

does Trump think you're an idiot? article
does Trump think you're an idiot? article

Trump lies to increase image: Queen's first guard review in 70 years. Hey, I saw a guard review online by the Queen, I think just 2 months ago!
Trump lies to increase image: Queen's first guard review in 70 years. Hey, I saw a guard review online by the Queen, I think just 2 months ago!

Gaslighters are many, and disguised as heroes. All damage the lives of others by killing of the body or soul for selfish gains like Elon Musk
Gaslighters are many, and disguised as heroes. All damage the lives of others by killing of the body or soul for selfish gains like Elon Musk

putin offers to interview his spies in Gaslight offer to Trump: he conned even Trump with this stupid nothing offer.
Putin offers to interview his spies in Gaslight offer to Trump: he conned even Trump with this stupid nothing offer.

And, taking the cake, Gaslighters always tell you that you're the sick one: the pot calls the kettle blackest.

trump tweets about trump derangement syndrome, but does he really have this? That's his projection.

more tweets like this, from this morning's Trump Tweet Storm at AU News.

Hope, lies, and despair

And, in understanding this Gaslight process, we use a euphemism, The Pot Calls the Kettle Black. our reference here is not out of disrespect for African Americans or that Western culture has a mixed up view of the benevolence of white, and the negative of black.

pot calling the kettle black
Hey, that's a twist: the kettle is trying to "repackage itself". That's what Gaslighters do.

Euphemism and not reference to African Americans, a reference to Gaslighters: pot calling the kettle black
Euphemism and not reference to African Americans, a reference to Gaslighters: pot calling the kettle black

the gaslighter sells you as faulted and him as innocent: Euphemism and not reference to African Americans, a reference to Gaslighters: pot calling the kettle black
the gaslighter sells you as faulted and him as innocent: Euphemism and not reference to African Americans, a reference to Gaslighters: pot calling the kettle black

trump pot calls the kettle black: Basic focus shifting. But, if it can be twisted to confuse any person blamed or vilified, the Gaslighter will do that and in this example, Blames in reverse and sells self as not-the- villain, because YOU always are.

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