

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


6.  Chum baiters:  chum baiting is a con method we discuss at our other blog: Gaslight Attackers.

The other day, at my gym a new trainer "chatted me up". He was "chum baiting" for new training customers, and had good skills. And, as a former Mormon Missionary, he had real formal training and 2 years reinforced work on their method: chat people up, relate, and then keep on target with the goal. Reinforce the goal, stay on track, keep relating all materials to the goal: conversion to Mormonism, or "proselytizing".  As a religious grifter, he was good. And, I noticed after just a few days of his "working it", he had done two things:
a. he was developing a large following, and would continue to build that. Although he is overweight, and only has 4 months experience (actually the very minimum to get an online trainer certificate, one you mostly pay a price for the paper), he was demonstrating herding of the sheep.
b. he has that grifter personality: warm and friendly, boy next door, trustworthy, kind and interested in you (but that interest has a hidden agenda at every minute). He knows how to use eyes, body language, cultural phrases of the gym and local culture (Western). Without batting an eye, he told me the first 20 seconds his two directives: first he was a Mormon, and second he's a trainer "poor little old me trying to build up a training business out of nothing and I'll give you a free session".
c. he threw out the chum bait to me, and I took it for a few minutes and gloated, "you're lifting a massive weight there man". "You don't need much help, just a tweak or two". "But, I'm not really selling my training here and now, I'm just meeting cool guys in the gym".
d. I can fully predict the outcome with "Rich" in two years: he'll leave this non-Mormon gym in two years, and take his 1,000 clients with him. And, in leaving, he'll use the Mormon approach of how to say something negative about another, imply that they have weakness, without really saying it or without having evidence of negative words for the Gym to use against me personally or in court....because I'm entitled to steal, and I'm taught to steal:

Well, I'm incredibly overweight like him, and not one of the cool guys.

Now, I've seen his use of a female roper. The grifter has a "pretty female" that brings men into a con by her looks. Jeff has a guise: he has a 100 lb model, that it appears he is providing training for her. Mostly though, he's using her smile and "pouty breasts" in something rather rehearsed. I'm not even sure he's a heterosexual, but this roping them in is a show better than any proselytizing Lagoon LDS Theme Park Western Shoot Out Drama. He then follows up on days she's not there, chatting up old fat men, like me, whom he thinks are vulnerable.

In two years, the gym will lose Rich. He'll take the clients, they'll rebuild. Interestingly, you have to look for clues to grifters, chum baiters, gaslighters, and ropers. A movie, very old, feebly addresses this: Grifters

In two years, the gym will lose Rich. He'll take the clients, they'll rebuild. Interestingly, you have to look for clues to grifters, chum baiters, gaslighters, and ropers. A movie, very old, feably addresses this: Grifters
watch this old movie on any stream service

this is part of a full article at our other blog:

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