I ran across this mini-book on Amazon.com, and I think they're words I would say:
1. gaslighting is the common ploy of the Dark Disordered
2. the victims of this are often victims of childhood gaslighting, bullying, conning, and have a form of PTSD into adulthood. They are susceptible to gaslighting at all times, don't realize they are vulnerable, and get themselves into more of this victim role by accident: it's sometimes beyond their awareness but not intentionally so.....
Here, wasps and yellow jackets attack beneficial insects, honey bees, birds, and humans.
Gaslighting: The Hive of the Narcissist
It's interesting that the word Hive is used. A hive of bees or wasps is a place we don't thing as the home of the insects, but a place of threat to us, children, and animals. I recall finding this last summer several giant wasp nests hidden in patio pots, and only then knew why my three cats would no longer go outside! I acted on this INSTANTLY due to the threat to them and myself! This was a giant version of wasp we're now seeing here in the arid high desert of Idaho, accompanied by a cousin giant ground version making giant tunneled nests, and causing days of pain for any person coming within 30 feet of the nest, wearing certain colored clothes, or making noise!!! To step on this nest means for many being stung on the legs and feet and not being a able to walk for days. I'm certain this replacement of more benign species has been a result of global warming with it's reduction of the insect eating animals and birds as well as it's decline of nature's fungal controls. These wasps and yellow jackets moving in to our communities and environments are also great predators of their own gentler kinds, including the mud wasp, but also of local birds, lizards, praying mantis, ladybugs, and all that is beneficial and beautiful. Such is the nature also of the Dark Disordered.
Book Description:
Gaslighting is one of the most devastating tools that exists in the narcissist’s arsenal. If you have been subjected to gaslighting by a skilled narcissist, it is no doubt that you have suffered significant PTSD, Complex PTSD, Cassandra Syndrome, Battered Person Syndrome and more. You were led to believe that you were damaged, crazy, psychotic, etc. You were led there by someone who was much sicker than you were.
Gaslighting is dangerous and devastating. Those who know about gaslighting and who have been subjected to it know all too well how damaging it is to one’s psyche. It is a form of psychological warfare and abuse that is used to torture prisoners of war and more. Narcissists learn gaslighting early on, as they are often subject to gaslighting by their own parents, peers, mentors, teachers, coaches and more.
Many children who are subjected to gaslighting have also undergone a significant amount of other means of abuse. A large number of adults were abused as children, physically, emotionally and sexually. Most of them have never come forward to face their abuser, and thus they have never received any type of validation for the abuse that they suffered at the hands of another.
These abused children were gaslighted to believe that the abuse they were suffering was normal. They were told that the abuse shown to them was ‘love’. Thus, they began to confuse ‘love’ with abuse, and confuse abuse with ‘love’. They were told ‘tough love’ was as valuable as unconditional love, when the two cannot even be used to describe the same types of actions or words.
Most of these adults harbor secrets long into their adulthood They suffer from wounds that have never been treated or discussed with a mental health advocate. They suffer in silence just as you might be suffering in silence with your current gaslighting experience. They were molested. They were bullied.
These abused and exploited children were told that all actions existed in the name of ‘love’. Is it a wonder that they reject ‘love’ in all forms as adults? Is it a wonder that they no longer know what the word love means, if they ever did at all? We give these adults a free pass, as though they suddenly might become compassionate and caring human beings now that they have been damaged by the adults around them.
However, we should never give a free pass to anyone who seeks to control us in the name of love, especially not these damaged adults. Control is not love. It never has been. It never will be. Control is control. Period.
Here are more photos on the metaphors
a. the dark disordered being metaphors of the attacking yellow jacket or wasp: predation of what is naive, innocent, and beneficial
b. the victims of the Dark Disordered are like those victims of the killer insects
c. the intent of the danger insects is like the dark disordered: others have no value of nature or humanity, the deserve and need harm
d. the victims are eaten, or any living creature that threatens a single wasp or hornet, or gets near the hive it to be overwhelmed with a community attack: the goal is death to the naive invader.
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